Saturday Snap – Dog Watches Sunset While Camping


Friday Fun Link – Guilty Counter

Always gives me a shiver when I realise I’m living through an incredibly unprecedented moment that’s going to be talked about for years and part of history books!


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Ogopogo (June 2010)

Wisdom Wednesday – Everything Is Fake

But some are better at pretending than others…


Everything is fake. If you can’t admit that, you aren’t ready to level up your career ? ???? Our systems, our jobs, our entire societal framework— it’s all just a collective agreement, a shared illusion that we’ve collectively bought into. If we choose to stop believing in it, it loses its power and fades into oblivion. Money, structures, power dynamics, corporations— they’re all part of the grand play we call life. Yes, even your career is a performance, a role you’ve chosen to play in the grand theater of existence. When you grasp this truth, the world suddenly becomes less daunting. Your job, the corporate environment— they’re constructs upheld by our collective belief in their validity. Once you realize that nothing is inherently real, the possibilities become endless. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by the perceived weight of societal expectations, life transforms into a playful game, an opportunity to explore and experiment freely. So, embrace the illusion, dance with the constructs, and remember that you hold the power to rewrite the script of your own life. After all, in a world where everything is fake, why not make your own rules? #linkedin #careercheatcodes #fouragreements

? original sound – courtney johnson

“Stuck on Repeat” Dementia


Follow me for more tips! FREE download Activities for Every Stage at GO NOW! please share me…. #alzheimers #Alzheimer #alzheimersawareness #ENDALZ #dementia #FTD #lbd #parkinson #caregiving #caregiver #dementiacare #lewybodydementia

? original sound – Debra Kostiw

Music Monday – “The ice caps are melting but the skies are still blue/There’s oil in the water I got them revelation blues/I ain’t no believer but I can’t deny the truth/The end times are coming I got them revelation blues”

Revelation Blues” – Zachary Lucky

Secular Sunday – Same Sex Marriage Is Not Privilege, Not Paying Taxes Is

Saturday Snap – Shea’s Two Babies?

Our camping neighbours’ daughter had her baby out at their site and Shea almost didn’t give him back!

Friday Fun Link – 50 Mind Boggling, God-Like GPT-4o AI Example



Throwback Thursday – #tbt – iPad (May 2010)

Had a long conversation tonight with retired RPL Deputy Director, Julie McKenna when she happened to be attending a program at the branch I was working at.

I told her how, though we didn’t always agree on everything (to put it mildly!), one of the things I always appreciated about her was her deep knowledge of public libraries.  (we had very similar views on one trending topic in particular.)

Another of the many things we reminisced about was how she had possibly one of the first iPads in Saskatchewan as she bought it when she was at a conference in Chicago before iPads were available for sale in Canada.

She was very brave to let Pace have a look at it at one of the “Books to Beers” gatherings I used to organize monthly for Regina and area librarians!