It’s Science!

Pace and Sasha are both done school as of today and in reviewing their report cards, I was particularly impressed with Pace’s mark in his Science Final…

Come to think of it, this feels like the mirror image of when I wrote a math test in Grade 7, was absolutely sure I got everything right but when I got my mark back…99%.

After double- and triple-checking my answers, I approached the teacher to ask why I only got 99%.

“Well, Mr. Hammond” he replied.  “It’s important to remember nobody’s perfect.”

(No fucking duh, dude, but is docking a single mark in a math test I aced the best way to demonstrate it?!?)

Music Monday – “This machine will, will not communicate/These thoughts and the strain I am under/Be a world child, form a circle/Before we all go under/And fade out again and fade out again”


Street Spirit (Fade Out)” – Radiohead

Secular Sunday – Supreme Injustice

Saturday Snap – Skater Boy

I’ve used this post title before but when your kid loves skateboarding, it’s inevitable you’ll use it again…


Friday Fun Link – Stanley Cup Winning Goals (1933-2019)

This video isn’t as relevant tonight as I’d hoped it would be.  But oh well, the Avs will hopefully add their own contribution to this montage on Sunday!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Stoll-ley Cup? (August 2012)

As the Stanley Cup Finals are coming to an end (Go Avs!), it makes me think how I have very tangential connections to a handful of NHLers.

Though he was a couple years older than me, my main “connection” was growing up on the same street as Dave Karpa (who regularly used my testicles for target practice during road hockey games!)

I’d seen a couple pre-season games when the Blues used to do their training camp in Regina but I think the first regular season NHL game I ever saw was in 1993 when my dad and I joined a bus tour from Indian Head to Winnipeg to watch the Jets play the Nordiques featuring our hometown boy (who even hopped on the bus for the ride home since it was the last game before the Christmas break!) Also got to see a Teemu Selanne hat trick – not too bad.

Another very loose NHL connection is Jarret Stoll whose family had a cottage a couple doors down from our family cottage and my dad even sold Jarret’s dad some land at one point.

In fact, when Jarett won the Stanley Cup we were hoping he’d bring it to his dad’s cottage and we might have a chance to drink from Lord Stanley.  No luck though – he took it to his hometown instead (or if he brought it to the cottage, we either weren’t around or maybe just weren’t invited!) 😉

A Few Recent Covid Threads

Even though “Covid Is Over”™  according to many, it’s not really.  Far from it actually…

Additional waves increase the chances of people being reinfected and while there was some who believed that getting infected was actually good for you because it gave you better immunity, that’s actually far from the case…

The number and variety of variants also continues to be a concern…

One newer theory I came across is that Covid may create an active, permanent viral reservoir in your body (which one person replies is similar to how the herpes virus functions.)

Another Major “Learning Driver” Milestone

First drive-thru!

Music Monday – “I got my driver’s license last week/Just like we always talked about/’Cause you were so excited for me/To finally drive up to your house”

Driver’s License” – Olivia Rodrigo

Secular Sunday – Religion’s Role in the Klondike Papers

And it’s not good