Throwback Thursday – #tbt – I Wonder What Their Tourism Slogan Is? (February 2008)

Given our province’s recent track record, “Access One” would probably be good enough and they wouldn’t even need to make a new sign!

“We all start out knowing magic.”

Charlie-Related Google Searches

Since we got Charlie, Google has been our constant source of tips, information and reassurances.  Here’s a sample of some of our Charlie-related searches:

“How long do puppies sleep at night?”

“Can dogs eat strawberries/celery/tomatoes/raw meat/noodles/potato chips/jalapenos/rice/pancakes/potatoes, etc. etc.”

“Why do dogs like to eat Kleenex?”

“What is a natural laxative for dogs?”

“Do dogs like music?”

“Songs that make dogs sleep?”

“Are dogs ticklish?”

“What does it mean when a dog licks your face?”

“Is dog saliva dangerous to humans?”

“How soon after neutering can a dog have a bath?”

“Tips to stop dog jumping after neutering?”

“Can dogs take Tylenol?”

“Does a dog know how long you’ve been gone?”

“Does a dog have a sense of time?”

“Are there any kinds of nuts a dog can’t eat?”

“How many raisins are dangerous for a dog?”

“Why are raisins poisonous to dogs?”

“How much of a bully stick should a dog eat at one time?”

“Why does my dog have his tongue out all the time?”

“How to tell how smart a dog is?”

“Essential tricks to teach your dog.”

“How long can a dog go walking in cold weather?”

“How many treats can a dog have in one day?”

Music Monday – “I can tell you’re a sad boy just like me/Baby, don’t deny what your poor heart needs/Been so long since he called your name/On the run from a losing game/Just bat your eyes, baby, let me feel the pain”

“C’mon Baby, Cry” – Orville Peck 

I think we’ve established that I am neither hip nor cool.

So I am reliant on younger coworkers to inform my musical choices and this one was perfect: “He’s like this gay guy from a punk rock group singing awesome country songs.  He’s Canadian and we’re going to see him in Edmonton for our one big music road trip this year.  Oh, and he always wears a mask when he performs to hide his identity.”  Yes please!  (Bonus: his singing has echoes of Roy Orbison who is one of the greatest singers in music history!)


Secular Sunday – No, Not *Those* Dirty Books (Book Banning Lawmaker “Very Sad” His Law Being Used To Ban “Sex Ridden” Bible)

Rules for thee but not for me.

(via Reddit)

Saturday Snap – The Real Stars of the @WHLPats Game

Went to the Regina Pats’ final home game of the regular season last night:

Connor Bedard gets the bulk of the attention and accolades of course.  But his skill boils down to his (admittedly unworldly) ability to put a frozen rubber disc into a 6×4 piece of netting.

There are tons of lesser known stars behind the scenes at an event like this who don’t always get acknowledged or recognized…

No, Shea wasn’t being rowdy and about to be arrested by security!  The person who sold us our house (she’s awesome so if you’re looking to buy or sell, tell her Jason & Shea sent ya!) moonlights as a security guard at Pats games so we had a great visit with her.

Another friend who lives around the corner from us and has the best backyard fire pits has the *very* important job of making sure the coolers are stocked and the kegs are replenished!

I’m not in the habit of taking selfies in washrooms. But when I bumped into a library patron I helped with his resume many years ago and got to know a little bit, I had to stop and catch up.

He cracked me up when he said “I’m getting older and can’t work as hard as I used to.  I asked my doctor if he had anything to make me young again and the doc said, no but if you find something, let me know – I’m getting older too!”

He had a powerful, inspiring story of his journey to Canada and I think of him often, even years after I’d last seen him, as he stands out to me as a strong reminder of what a privilege it is to work in the public library, the connections we can make to bridge worlds, and the tangible difference we can make in people’s lives!

He got the night off to dog sit but our son has been slinging popcorn at a number of Pats games since early December to raise money for a school trip to Costa Rica in April.

(We had Concourse Premium Seats which promised unlimited popcorn as a perk but only got one extra bag the entire game.  So gotta say, in a post celebrating hard working people – and I’d include our server in that list – the priority to sell overpriced booze instead of supplying the inexpensive free popcorn to customers was clear!) 🙁

From a customer service POV, would be nice to have a laminated card or something so clients who want more popcorn could go to the popcorn stand and flash it to get their own if the servers are otherwise occupied.

Friday Fun Link – The New Slogan Is Working! AEW Is Coming To The City That Rhymes With Fun

Okay, I’m pretty sure the dates announces for the Canadian Tour predates the “Experience Regina” rebrand.  But who cares because I’ve got tickets and am going!  Plus it’s apparently going to be a TV taping, possibly for a brand new AEW show.

As a teaser, here’s some highlights from an amazing match AEW showed on *free* TV this week featuring Kenny Omega, widely regarded as the best wrestler in the world, and El Hijo del Vikingo who was new to me but some research says he’s one of the top high flyers in the world:


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Flames and Isles (1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1989)

A bit of a different Throwback Thursday post today as it’s not an actual old photo.

Instead, it represents some fond memories from a long time ago.

I found two pendants on Facebook Marketplace that were part of a larger series for Cup-winning teams.  These happen to be two of my favourite teams – the Islanders growing up and the Flames taking over once we moved to Calgary in 2001 – so I bought them and put them up in our basement TV room.

Comedians on Censorship and PC/Cancel Culture


Dildo, Newfoundland’s Slogan Is…

“There’s No Place Like Dildo”

Can you imagine?  So booorrrring!

Did they not realise what a goldmine of a city name they were sitting on compared to most Canadian cities?  The right slogan and boom – right to Jimmy Kimmel!

(Gotta be honest – when Shea and I were in Newfoundland for a wedding about ten years ago, we did make a trip to Dildo and yes, getting this picture was a big part of the reason.

But it was actually a lovely little town that didn’t even need to “lean in” (er, push in?) to its name since it used the name as the draw but then had all kinds of interesting things to see, eat and do.  Hell, I saw a full set of whale bones there – how amazing is that?!?  (Now, if you’re interested in whale boners, that’s a trip to Iceland.  Okay I’ll stop…)