Music Monday – “And the heart in my breast/For the girl I lov’d best/Was beating, ah, beating/How loud and fast!”

Happy St. Patrick’s Day (one day early)!

Iron Brew was a Celtic band in Regina in the late 1990’s-early 2000’s.  The lead singer was the husband of one of my bosses at the Sask Publishers Group. He plays a monumental role in my musical education as the person who introduced me to Fred Eaglesmith’s music.  (I still remember dropping my boss off after a day away at a conference or training session of some kind and being invited in where Gord was practicing a Fred song to possibly integrate in the band’s set list!)

The audio and video quality of this clip isn’t great but it has a montage of some of the main songs Iron Brew played so it’ll give a taste…

Duking It Out With Wendel Clark at #hometownhockey #yqr

In the photo below, Sasha seems to be saying “Dad, if you raise your fist to this guy, you’re going to lose!”

Wendel Clark at Hometown Hockey

That’s not too far-fetched actually since, when I stepped up for my photo, I accidentally bumped into Wendel as I moved to stand beside him.

“Hey, keep the elbows down!” he quipped and I was able to reply, “At least I’ll be able to tell people I’ve bodychecked Wendel Clark!” 😉

(Luckily he didn’t level me right there!)

At any rate, what an honour to meet a childhood hero and one of the best NHLers to ever come out of Saskatchewan, #17 – Wendel Clark, during Rogers “Hometown Hockey” tour stop in Regina today.

Here’s a great video that shows what made Wendel so special…

In a completely unrelated note (thankfully!), Shea and I went out to participate in a research project being conducted by a former colleague’s daughter who is completing her PhD.  She’s researching the psychology of pain and after having a device placed on my arm that tested a person’s pain threshold, my competitive spirit forced me to ask how I fared against other men who’d done the test.  She said there were only a couple participants who’d maxed out the pain metre and I was just a hair shy of that level.  (I reached 49/50 on her measuring tool.)

Saturday Snap – Some More Dominican Republic Pics (From A Waterproof Camera)

My waterproof camera started acting up halfway through the trip – not quite dead but definitely not working well either.  So once it started being tempermental, I stopped using it in the water.

Luckily, my mom brought a disposable waterproof camera so we had a few other water pics…

Shea loves my Tom Cruise circa “Top Gun” sunglasses…0005_21A

Cutie patootey!0006_20A

The Hammond boys…


Our family…


Pace just as he jumps into the pool…0023_3A

Friday Fun Link – #NHL Tankathon

The Playoff Race isn’t the only exciting part of this year’s NHL season.

The race for the bottom to see who drafts first overall and takes Connor McDavid, projected as the first generational superstar since Sidney Crosby, is heating up as well.

Behold the Tankathon!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt -Team Meili

Realized while I was at the CUPE convention last week that its been two years since the last NDP Leadership race.

Here’s a few pics from the campaign I had kicking around.

(It’s crazy how these pics take me right back to one of the most enjoyable experiences of my life!)


? ?









What Two Famous People Were Alive At The Same Time That Would Surprise People

Charlie Chaplin and 50 Cent.

Neil Armstrong was 17 when Orville Wright died.

Martin Luther King and Anne Frank were the same age.


Five Funniest Moments During Our Trip To The Dominican Republic

Before the trip, Pace and I kept playing The List Game (“Name five things you’re going to do on the beach”, “Name five things you’re going to eat at the buffet”, “Name five things you’ll do on the plane”) and that’s continued after our return home.

Tonight, we (okay, mostly *I* since the things Pace remembered as funny are mostly disturbing) came up with this list…


1. Pace had taken the path through a central “jungle” in our resort instead of walking around the outside paths like he often did.  But one time, instead of waiting for us on the other side as usual, we see him walking down the path towards us from the opposite direction, pretending to be a stranger and like, many of the workers and other guests do, casually said “Hola!” as he continued walking past! 😉

2. My mother-in-law presented me with a pair of crocheted swimming trunks.  Worse, she and her co-workers who made them had made sure they were anatomically correct! 🙁

Crocheted Swim Trunks

3. The first time Pace got up on a stool at the swim-up bar and started dancing to the bachata music.

4. Sasha trying a taste of the sand the first time we took her to the beach.  Then again.  And again.  It actually took her a few tries before she realised the beach wasn’t a giant sheet of brown sugar!

5. It was more funny in a “ha ha!  We could’ve been mugged or killed” sense-of-relief way. But after hopping into an unmarked “cab” after the Ringo Starr concert then having the drive get lost and proceed to take us down a dark street, there was much nervous laughter when we finally got safely back to our resort!   (The dark street he took led to a different resort – he’d mis-heard the name of our resort and had to get directions from their gate keeper.)

Music Monday – “Why are there so many/Songs about rainbows/And what’s on the other side?”

Sad news at yesterday’s Telemiracle as Sesame Street’s Bob McGrath, a fixture on the show for 38 years having missed only one year due to a scheduling conflict, announced he wouldn’t be back.

The 82-year old McGrath said he wanted to spend more time with his wife since he’s already on the road so much.

Lots of tears for this one…

The cast of the telethon did a long, well-deserved tribute to Bob after he and country singer, Beverly Mahood sang their duet version of “Rainbow Connection”, an annual highlight for the last few years…

“Rainbow Connection” – Bob McGrath and Beverly Mahood


Secular Sunday – 40 Best Atheist Arguments

Worth reading.

Saturday Snap – On the Plane on the Way to Punta Cana


We forgot to get before & after pics like we did on the way to Cuba but here’s a photo of us on the way to Punta Cana…

On The Plane to Punta CanaOn The Plane to Punta Cana