Netflix’s “Narcos” Renewed For Two More Seasons

Shea and I were just talking last night about how sad we’ll be when we finish this season of “Narcos” (we have two episodes left) finishes since (spoiler alert) we’re pretty sure we know how this based-on-a-true-story saga ends.

But happy news today – NetFlix has announced they’ve renewed “Narcos” for two more seasons and will focus on other related stories of the Columbian drug trade…

Music Monday – “But if I work all day in the blue sky mine/There’ll be food on the table tonight.”

Happy Labour Day!

Blue Sky Mine” – Midnight Oil

“Liminal” by Rodney Mullen, Inventor of the “Ollie” Trick That Most Skateboarding Tricks Are Based On

Pace is getting into skateboarding which means that I’m getting into skateboarding. 😉

But I came across this article and video recently and did want to share because it’s *very* cool – the guy who invented “the ollie” (flat ground version) on which most modern skateboarding tricks are based who is now 49 years old – released a cool music video of some of his latest creations and greatest hits.

Pretty amazing stuff…

Saturday Snap – Katepwa Pier Crew

Always a bittersweet day when we do the many end-of-season chores at our family cottage at Katepwa Lake.  We were out yesterday to bring in the piers, boat track and sea doo stand, clear out the water lines, cut the grass, load the boat, etc. etc.

It was great to have one of my funniest, favouritist cousins and his wife visiting from Edmonton to help us out (though we joked that next year, they’ll book their time at the cottage for mid-season instead of end-of-season!)

Katepwa Lake Pier Crew

Friday Fun Link – Better Motherfucking Website

Back in the day, I was quite obsessed with web design and user-interfaces and even made some extra spending money for a while as a web designer (this is back around 1997 when, if you could get a picture to show up on a web page, people thought you were amazing!) 😉

My knowledge and skills with regards to web design have slipped quite a bit as my life has gotten busier with work and kids, technology has advanced and many platforms (eg. WordPress) make it easy for you to not know a lick of code to create a web site.

(This buggy, frequently-down blog being a pretty good testament to how far I’ve let things slide!)

But there are some principles that are fundamental, whether it’s 1997 or 2017 (er, I had to stretch to make that work) and this site does a great job of illustrating some of them.

A McReview of the New McDonalds “Create Your Taste” Burger Option #yqr

So, to celebrate the first day of school, we decided to take Pace to McDonalds for supper.

I’d forgotten that Regina’s Rochdale McDonalds location (and perhaps others in the city?) have installed the new “Build Your Taste” machines which are like giant iPad-like, self-serve touchscreen machines.

I’m sure we could’ve figured it out but a staff member was over quickly to help us out and show us the basics of using the machine – adding, deleting, scrolling – things to our order.

We ordered a couple standard Happy Meals for Pace and Sasha but then Shea and I both went for the “Create Your Taste” option to try it out.


  • In the past, I’ve never asked if they’ll do this when you order at the counter like usual.  But these machines have an option for “lettuce wrap” instead of a bun right up front which is useful for the low-carb crowd.
  • We picked “Create Your Own” but I think they also had some pre-loaded options for various combos – “Sweet Thai Angus Burger” and “Spicy Sriracha Chicken” or whatever.
  • It felt a bit sneaky that they don’t tell you which add-ons are free (pickles) and which cost extra (bacon) until you click to add them.  You can always remove them but that seemed somewhat misleading.
  • We did luck out though that they were having a promotion (not sure when it started or for how long) that if you tried the “Create Your Taste” option, they’d give you a free side and drink (maybe a $2 value each?) as an incentive for people to try this new technology out.
  • Our burgers came to about $8/each which is about what I’d pay for a full meal regularly (Big Mac or Quarter Pounder with fries and drink).  So the free side/drink helped but overall, you’re going to pay a couple bucks more for the pleasure of customizing your own order.
  • The screen had lots of unusual options by McDonald’s standards as the chain tries to be a bit more upscale – dijon mustard or tomato pesto on your burger, your highness?
  • We were also a bit surprised to hear this new option meant we could either pick-up our order at the front counter when it was ready or have…table service.  (What???)
  • Being the high class family that we are, we opted for table service.  We were given one of those table number things, similar to what you get at say, Red Lobster (also classy!), when you’re at the bar waiting to hear that your table is ready.
  • One employee excitedly told us that our fries would “even come in a basket”.
  • Our food was brought eventually but it seemed much slower to come out than it would if we’d just ordered at the counter and wait for a couple seconds for them to move it onto our plastic tray from the hot lights like we’ve done McDonalds for 100 years.
  • Also, maybe because it was supper rush and we weren’t the only parents with the brilliant idea to take our kids to McDonalds after the first day of school but our food came out in two sets quite far apart – first Shea’s burger and one Happy Meal then my burger and another Happy Meal.  (If anyone from McDonalds is reading this, here’s a pro tip – if you have a group of two adults and two kids in your establishment, *always* bring out the kids’ food first.  And if both kids order the same thing and you only bring one Happy Meal, do not set it between them as your server may lose an arm, not unlike someone being a bit stupidbrave reaching outside a shark cage with a piece of fresh meat!)
  • Finally, we’d both ordered side salads but Shea’s arrived with fries.  To their credit, the staff caught this before we even mentioned it to them and mine came out with a salad as requested and they also brought one for Shea.  Plus we got to keep the fries – bonus!
  • Speaking of tips, having table service while sitting in the gaudy plastic environs of McDonald’s left me a bit confused about whether I should tip my server or not.  I did (and quite generously all things considered – as far as I can tell, this one person was responsible for table service for the whole restaurant) but I also spent a lot of time thinking about the impact of automation on the workforce and the notion of “Shadow Work”
  • Again, the line was blurry between “fast food self serve” and “table service” but I did go to the fountain machine to get refills at one point rather than asking our server to do it.
  • She handed us a small business card with her name and a web site URL and we’re supposed to review our experience – not sure if it’s about her or the new technology or the food or a bit of all of the above?
  • McDonalds missed a huge opportunity by not installing the somewhat similar self-serve, touchscreen Coke Freestyle machines to go with the new approach to ordering.  (I heard about these being in the US a while back but only just encountered them recently at a local Cineplex when Shea and I were out for a movie night.)
  • Pace and I went up to get dessert and this time, I didn’t seem to get an option to ask for table service (is that only for “main” courses?) so I was told (er, my receipt told me) to go to the counter to pick up my cookies and ice cream treat.
  • But when I got to the counter, I noticed a log jam of people waiting.  It appears they’d redesigned their front counter so where there used to be 2 or 3 tills where you could place an order, there was only one.  And now, everyone, whether they’d used the machines or had ordered directly at the counter, was waiting to pick up their food at this one busy pick-up counter.  In the previous set-up, if I’d order cookies and ice cream, I’d have paid and had them on my tray in about a minute, tops.  This way left me waiting for probably 5-10 minutes before I got my order (not sure if this was also partly due to their ice cream machine being down but humans actually tell you that when you’re ordering whereas machines still don’t. So I also had to do an extra dance to get a refund of the ice cream treat I’d ordered on top of everything.)

Overall, it was an interesting experience but it also left me somewhat anxious for the future.  In one way, it’s cool to have a lot more control and choice and to see how technology is changing how we interact with companies and other organizations.

But it feels like there are a lot of kinks to work out and the technology still has a long ways to go before it can replace the intelligence, anticipation and smiles of a human face!

Fall on the Prairies

My dad’s (and I suspect most farmers’) favourite season…

Thoughts (and Tips) for Living in A Post-Factual Society #skpoli

Largely because of the Donald Trump campaign but in various other ways as well, more and more people are talking about how we’ve come to be living in a “post-factual” society where many people no longer even attempt to use logic, reason and critical thinking to form (and change!) their opinions.

It can seem as if we are living in a world where fact, truth, and evidence no longer exert the rational pull they once did. Our landscape of fake news sites, junk science, politicians blithely dismissive of fact-checks, and Google searches that appear to make us dumber, renders truth redundant. We are rudderless on a dark sea where, as Nietzsche said, there are no facts, only interpretations. – Mark Kingwell, Globe & Mail

Instead, people seem to increasingly make decisions based on everything from what forwarded e-mail shows up in their inbox to what they hear on coffee row to basing their opinions on extremely small sample sizes (“Well, there was a lot of snow last winter so climate change can’t be real.”) to even just what “feels” right.

When corrected with actual facts, these people will rarely admit they could be wrong but instead, often even become more extreme in their positions.

What’s significant is that rational push-back on this dangerous nonsense has so little traction. Correction used to cause shame and confusion; now it just prompts a rhetorical double-down. A lot of people are saying this! Actually important things – climate change, foreign policy – get dragged along for the moronic ride. – Kingwell

In the past year, I have seen numerous examples of this first-hand:

  • A person with a grade twelve education who has a great job with amazing benefits in a union but also hates his union and says he is “100%” on the side of his employer because “the union asks for the moon”.  But he also can’t explain what he means by that.
  • A vocal supporter of oil & gas development as the driver of the Canadian economy refuses to believe that jobs in renewable energy already outnumber jobs in the non-renewable sector and non-renewables are shaping up to the equivalent of being a “horse & buggy maker” just as the car was revolutionizing the world and leaving the old technology behind.  (PS – I need a better analogy because this one confuses people – “But you’re saying oil & gas are good because cars took over from buggies!”  Er, no.  No I’m not!) 😉
  • (Numerous) people who feel their taxes are too high/they don’t want their taxes to support “those” people/they’d be better off without any government services at all without acknowledging all that taxes do for them – from roads to schools to hospitals and more.  And especially that we all benefit as a society from what taxes give us – even if we don’t realise it.  Think of a business owner who doesn’t have kids but benefits from having educated employees who went through a good school system.  Or I’ll even concede that, although I’m not a huge fan of the military, how those tax dollars help ensure I live in an extremely safe, peaceful country.
  • I’ve heard a similar anti-tax argument that everyone should be taxed at the same rate if we’re all “equal” without recognition that someone who makes $50,000 a year or even $75,000/year is a lot closer in life to someone making half that ($25,000 which is just above what someone working full-time at minimum wage makes) than the CEO of a company who makes $500,000 or a million bucks or even more and also how much difference that can make in terms of disposable income, even if the richer people pay a higher marginal rate.  (Hell, or trying to get people to understand what a marginal tax rate *is*!)
  • A middle-aged woman, who long ago participated in a social program to help young unwed mothers integrate into the workforce and now works at the highest levels of government isn’t a fan of spending on social programs.
  • Someone convinced that marijuana is a major gateway drug leading to heroin addiction even though there is little to no reputable research showing this link.
  • Numerous people who think that selling off profitable public liquor stores which put their profits back into government services and create good paying, middle-class jobs for people in the community are worth giving up so we have a liquor store on every corner, a bunch of poverty-level $10/hr minimum wage jobs and profits now being shipped to Toronto, New York and Seattle Washington instead of staying within our province, all in the hopes that a 2-4 of Molson Canadian will cost a couple bucks less.
  • Same thing with those who think selling off a hugely profitable Crown Corporation like SaskTel *won’t* end up meaning they’ll pay hundreds of dollars more per month in fees when *all existing evidence* says otherwise.  You can literally go to right now and say you’re in Saskatchewan and then say you’re in Alberta and see two vastly different rates for the same phone plan!
  • That the Oilers are a better team than the Flames.  This was a tougher argument to counter in the 1980’s when the Oilers had Gretzky and won a bunch of Stanley Cups. But lately?  No contest.

This isn’t just about politics and general issues of society though – it could have a very real tangible effect on institutions (and careers) that are focused on providing accurate, timely, well-researched information. 🙁

So what’s the solution?  Research has, unfortunately, shown that facts alone do *not* change people’s minds.  But there are some techniques that do work:

  • People will abandon a false belief *if* they have a compelling alternate explanation/theory.
  • They are more likely to change their minds if presented with factual information unemotionally in a chart/graph form (which apparently makes it look more “official” than just hearing it.)
  • This last technique will be even more effective if the person is also encouraged to discuss something that they feel good about or that makes them feel good about themselves.
  • The SPICE method has been show to work – Simplicity, Perceived Self-Interest, Incongruity, Confidence, Empathy.

Someone even analysed the “Change My View” sub-Reddit to see what appeared to influence people, at least in written debates.  They found:

  • Facts work
  • More people chiming in on the other side of the issue can help sway an opinion
  • Hedging rather than taking a hard line softens your stance but also makes it easier for the other person to shift.
  • The language a person uses can show if they’re even open to change (if they say “I”, they are; if they say “We”, not so much.)

Fascinating stuff.

One final thought about the impact of the Internet on all of this.  Some people say the Internet will save us since all claims are instantly fact-checkable whereas other people say there’s too much noise out there to find the good info.

I read an insightful comment from a professor online somewhere who was asked if the Internet made his students smarter or dumber?

He replied that the answer was “both” – the Internet makes the smart students even smarter by giving them an unlimited world of knowledge, arguments and facts…if they are smart enough to recognize which sites and sources are reliable.  On the other hand, dumb students have more ways to confirm their already incorrect assumptions and biases via the numerous channels that are equally unreliable, inaccurate and even fantastical.

Music Monday – “From Winterpeg/The wind is cold, yeah/From Barcelona to Bars so lonely/To semi-on a date”

Not sure if I heard the lyric excerpt I’ve got as a title to this post correctly but I kinda like my version anyhow! 😉

“Clara” – Tariq

Comparing The Top NHL Players Across All Eras

A Redditor spent the summer creating a massive spreadsheet to assist in comparing the NHL’s best players across the decades.

He goes into incredible detail about his methodology in his post and for the most part, it’s solid although some people point out that a team like the 1980 Oilers actually get punished for their success – they scored at such a prolific rate that when he corrects for this, he’s actually lowering the ranking of players like Gretzky from where they should be.

Speaking of Gretzky, his adjustment ends up putting The Great One, who is the top total goal scorer of all-time, at number fourteen (!) on the list.  Alex Ovechkin is ranked number one of all-time and Gretzky retains as the best set-up man of all-time.

Anyhow, he notes some other interesting findings so if you’re a hockey fan, I’d encourage you to check it out!