Saturday Snap – @roryallenmusic with the Hammonds @officialRPL Regent Place “Retro” 50th Anniversary Event

Rory Allen with the Fam

Friday Fun Link – @roryallenmusic Promoting @officialRPL Regent 50th “Retro” Party on @ctvreginalive #yqr

Elvie Selfie

Selfie or Elvie?

Had a blast appearing on CTV Morning Live with Rory Allen tomorrow to promote Regent Place branch’s 50th Anniversary “Retro” Event.

The event is going to be totally groovy!

Rory will be performing throughout the afternoon (and taking photos and signing autographs when he’s not performing), we’ll have a costume contest, retro snacks (featuring a popular food which was released in 1966 – the year Regent Place branch opened!), a couple of our public computers turned into pinball machines and much more.

It’s not very retro but in a nod to the role of technology in the modern library, we’re also going to have RPL’s 3D Printer (and 3D Printed giveaways for the first 50 people through the doors) plus we’re planning to drop Pokemon Lures every half hour on the hour throughout the afternoon.

On top of all that, I’ve got a blog exclusive!

I just found out that we’ll have at least one classic 1960’s car in the parking lot (we tried to get more but there’s a big show in Moose Jaw tomorrow unfortunately.)

Can’t wait for the big event tomorrow!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland (August 2006)

Since I’ve got a bit of a rock & roll theme going this week with the various posts about RPL’s 50th “Retro” Anniversary Party featuring Rory Allen this Saturday from 1-4pm, I thought I’d post a picture of me outside the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland…


Copyright-Free, Royalty Free Images? Pixabay

Pixabay is a great site if you’re looking for copyright free, royalty-free images to use in your projects.

Started by two Germans who got frustrated trying to find good images for free online, it’s quickly become one of the top image sites online.

Literally, based on buying contributors a “cup of coffee” (eg. donations), many people can’t seem to believe the images are free, being released under a CC0 (Creative Commons Zero) license which is essentially the same as making them “public domain” under conventional understanding of copyright.

If you work for a library (where our entire business model is based on essentially putting material that would otherwise be considered copyrighted freely available into the public domain), it’s great to see sites like this making useful information available for free to anyone who wants it.

Generational Differences Chart

I’m always interested in the concept of generational differences which has come up a couple times recently – after Shea attended a workshop on reaching out to young people in the workplace and then during a conversation in my workplace where a few of us “oldies” had fun explaining what life was like in the time of cassette tapes and the allure of Vanilla Ice to a young Millennial/recent University grad.

Many people who study generational differences cite three main factors that contribute to creating the generational divides – economics, shared cultural experiences and major world-changing events (assassinations, shuttle explosions, terrorist attacks, etc.)

Fascinating stuff.

Music Monday – “Honey, I know, I know I know/Times are changing/It’s time we all reach out/For something new, that means you too”

Some say that the mark of a great song is that you can re-work it into a different style of music and it’s just as powerful.

This is a good example of that theory in practice…

Purple Rain” (Bluegrass cover) – Leroy Justice

Saturday Snap – Me on CBC

Got fairly short notice (just over an hour) invitation from RPL’s Marketing Unit who needed someone to go on CBC Radio’s “Blue Sky” noon hour program to talk about books we’re recommending these days and other topics yesterday.

Since I’m a good guy, always eager to help a colleague who’s in a bind plus not uncomfortable going on media, I said “Yes”.

After a bit of confusion (I thought I could call in from my branch but CBC called me and said they wanted me in studio so I had to boot it across town fairly quickly), I got to the studio, quickly called my parents from the parking lot to let them know I’d be on the radio (good thing I did – their phone started ringing off the hook as soon as the interview began as neighbours who were listening called to let them know!) then went in and hung out in the green room (well, a chair in the lobby).

I was ushered into the studio (I’d been before but long ago before I became a librarian although I was still talking about books back in the day), got the headphones on and got settled.


Like Justin Trudeau, I always have time for a selfie

I wasn’t even super familiar with the format or how the show would flow – I was prepared to fill half an hour talking with a colleague from SPL who was also on the show and the host if needed (something I’d done quite often when filling in for the “Book Chick” on Community Radio when I worked for the Sask Publishers Group).

But it turned out that between the host, call-in guests who gave their own book recommendations and a break for the news, I only had to speak about 3-4 times in half an hour.


Now I know how animals at the zoo feel

In fact the hardest part was that I had something to add – a book recommendation or an insightful, witty comment – after every segment but rarely got to inject them and didn’t get to mention nearly as many books and publishers and strategies for finding good books as I wanted.

Oh well, maybe they’ll have me back for a one-on-one chat someday! 😉

Friday Fun Link – Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies

Designed to encourage lateral thinking and break creative logjams, Brian Eno’s Oblique Strategies might help you through some of the problems you’re facing.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My First Day of Work at Regina Public Library (Sept 8, 2008)

Hard to believe that today is my eight year anniversary of working at Regina Public Library.

Our Director even brought me cake.  Well, technically donuts.  And technically not for me but leftovers from an all-day meeting he was in at our branch.  But a guy can pretend, right? 😉

Anyhow, here’s a horrible posed photo of me in my first office on my first day where I apparently think that looking like I’m busy typing means “Pretend you can control the keyboard by levitating your fingers over it!”

Also, holy shit, look at the size of that monitor!  Amazing how far technology’s come in eight years for sure.

First Day of Work at RPL

Hillary Clinton’s Invisible Guiding Hand

At least in terms of prestigious office location at Hillary HQ, Hillary’s chief statistician is given equal weight to the Campaign Chairperson, the Campaign Manager and her most trusted assistant.

There’s a good reason why – this might be the most data-driven campaign in history.

Some Republicans aren’t just nervous about losing to Clinton in November. They’re alarmed at the possibility of falling multiple cycles, even a generation, behind in creating a culture of data-intensive campaigns. Romney hardly had an autonomous analytics department. Trump has called data “overrated.” Kriegel, meanwhile, is incubating the next generation of Democratic talent — his team rivaled the size of Trump’s entire headquarters operation for much of the primary — the no-name analysts of 2016 who will emerge as the key players in 2018 and 2020.