@MiaReefIsla Mia Reef Hotel, Isla Mujeres, Mexico

This was one of the most unique hotels we saw during our visit to Mexico last March.

For example, while all beaches in Mexico are considered public property, this hotel is on a small island of its own, connected to Isla Mujeres by a short bridge, which means that this is one of the few places in Mexico where you’re able to essentially enjoy a private beach, let alone feel like you have your own private island!

It also has what is basically its own shallow lagoon as well as being only steps from the famous Playa Norte.

Music Monday – “Cause here on earth it feels like everything good is missing since you left/And here on earth everything thing’s different, there’s an emptiness”

Death was a dark cloud haunting our summer in a variety of ways.

In August, I lost a great aunt who lived in Weyburn at age 86.

Earlier in the summer, I drove up to Warman for the funeral of one of my favourite cousins who was only in his 50’s when cancer took his life.

He wasn’t someone I knew well but a family friend of both Shea’s and my parents died in August, only a month after we’d seen him at a fair in Shea’s hometown.

And, perhaps most shockingly, a young woman whose mother I worked with in my first post-MLIS job at Southeast Regional Library was hit by a train and died a few days later, just after her 17th birthday (and as her mother later shared in a viral post, the accident was because “My SMART, sensible, beautiful young lady was looking at her goddamn fucking phone.”)

The accident happened on a Thursday night and Shea and I passed the scene on our way to our campsite though we didn’t see the accident, only the large number of police cars at the scene, likely already beginning their investigation.  It wasn’t until I looked at Facebook the next morning that I learned who had been in the accident.

I didn’t know Kailynn personally though, as happens these days, I felt like I knew a bit about her from her mother’s social media posts.  In fact, there’s a chance I even interacted with Kailynn at the Weyburn Pharmasave where she had a part-time job and where our family stopped occasionally throughout the summer.

Anyhow, there was a celebration of Kailynn’s life on Sunday so I thought I’d post the video tribute that they showed at the ceremony…

Dancing in the Sky” – Dani & Lizzy

Mankind and Undertaker Discuss Their Iconic Hell in a Cell Match

WWE’s “Hell in a Cell” Pay Per View is tonight with multiple matches being held in the imposing, over-sized cage.

But twenty years ago, HiaC matches were much more rare and that made them much more special.

The third ever HiaC match between Undertaker and Mankind had not one, not two but three iconic spots (two involving falls from the top of the cage) that make this one of the best, most influential, most memorable matches of all-time (but was so extreme, it also created a backlash against increasingly dangerous “stunt” spots.)


Saturday Snap – I’m Not Sure What’s More Disturbing…

…the fact that Sasha’s recently taken to drawing crosses on her body or the fact that she’s using permanent marker to do it?

Friday Fun Link – Calgary Flames Start Season With Two Exhibition Games in China

Talk about a long road trip!


Throwback Thursday – Congrats Yens Pedersen! (June 2009) #skpoli

Longtime NDP member, former Sask NDP party president and candidate for office and party leader, Yens Pedersen, won the byelection in Regina Northeast yesterday to boost the number of Saskatchewan NDP MLAs to 13.

My first introduction to Pedersen was when he competed against Ryan Meili for Leader of the Saskatchewan NDP in 2009.

At the time, Ryan ended up placing second to the eventual winner, Dwain Lingenfelter, but both of the other contenders – MLA Deb Higgins and Yens Pedersen – threw their support behind Meili during the voting rounds and to this day, I often wonder how the Saskatchewan NDP might be different in terms of party renewal and revitalization if Meili had managed to pull off the upset.

I’m not going to wade into these dangerous waters too much but I think the generational divide you saw to a certain degree back in 2009 (Deb Higgins is a Millennial, right?) 😉 are still being fought today with the Erin Weir controversy as a proxy for the divergent views and approaches of two different generations as the Baby Boomers battle to maintain control and the Millennials strive to take more control (and as always, the Gen Xers look on in an ironically detached fashion while listening to Nirvana’s “Nevermind” album on repeat.) 🙂

Anyhow, here’s another picture to show the long history Pedersen and Meili have together – this one from a Ryan Meili book launch that was held at Regina Public Library in September 2012 when, if memory serves, Pedersen introduced Meili.



Two Roads To Humboldt: A TSN Special

Perhaps the single most unbelievable thing about the Humboldt Broncos bus tragedy that killed sixteen people in early April is that two young men not only survived but are suiting up for the team tonight.


The History of the World Trade Center (Documentary)



Music Monday – “You give me love I didn’t earn/Love I’m learning that I’m worth/As it turns out, love just don’t care who we were”

Congrats to Saskatchewan’s own, Jess Moskaluke, who won the Canadian Country Music Association “Album of the Year” award last night…

“Past The Past” – Jess Moskaluke

Secular Sunday – Religion Is Increasingly Seen As Doing More Harm Than Good By Canadians

Even as an atheist, I’m pretty surprised that over half of the respondents to this survey said that religion is doing more harm than good in the world, up from 44% in 2011.