Saturday Night – Regent Place Triplets Reunited

Usually, men are few and far between in library work.  But I had a brief period where not only was I the only man around, I actually had two other dudes working in my branch out of a staff complement of ten.

As a bonus, we all had a similar look so we joked about how that gave me coverage:

Patron: “Well, that *man* said I could do it!”
Female staff member: “Which man?”
Patron: “The tall one.”
Female staff member: “I’m sorry, you’ll have to be more specific – we have three tall men working here.”
Patron: “The tall one with glasses.”
Female staff member: “I’m sorry, you’ll have to be more specific – we have three tall men with glasses working here.”
Patron: “The tall one with glasses and a beard!”
Female staff member: “I’m sorry, you’ll have to be more specific – we have three tall men with glasses and a beard working here.”

By that point, the patron would usually be exasperated and storm off leaving me free of having to deal with the original issue they raised! 😉

But it all seriousness, both were good guys who were great fits for my branch and though I miss them, I’m happy each has moved on to bigger and better things at other branches.

And we still get to see each other on occasion as was the case at some recent staff training when I managed to snap the above selfie.

Friday Fun Link – YouTube Randomizer

This site,, is fascinating – it looks through YouTube for random files that have been uploaded without the default filename given by the camera or smartphone (DNSC209, MVI753, IMG9903, etc.) being changed to something more descriptive and searchable.

For that reason, most are fairly low view count videos, often quite short, and provide all sorts of interesting glimpses of the random experiences of humanity (the site also has SafeSearch enabled so you’re unlikely to come across something overly disturbing.)

Here’s five things I saw clicking randomly…

  1. Somebody reeling in a fish
  2. Two dogs playing in a yard
  3. Someone panning across an empty swimming pool
  4. A guy singing on a stage in Vietnam
  5. Some dude playing recorder

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Tree of Tears (July 2015)

About four years ago, we came back from a camping trip to find that a neighbour’s tree had split and was being removed.

One of the branches hung over the fence into our yard and Sasha had some tears when she realised she’d no longer have a swing.  I had tears too but they were tears of joy about not having so many leaves to rake every fall! 😉

Cops & Readers: The Coles Notes Version

About a year and a half ago, Chief Evan Bray of the Regina Police Service was my branch’s celebrity reader for Family Literacy Day.

At the end of the event, he said he’d enjoyed it and hoped the police and library could work together more in the future.

I mentioned his comment to a couple managers who’d come from Calgary Public Library and they said they had an idea – trying our own version of a successful program Calgary had run called “It’s A Crime Not To Read“.

We had a few meetings, drew up a few plans, made a few phone calls and put everything in place to hold a trial version of RPL’s own “Cops & Readers” (note the less punitive title!) in partnership between two library branches, the grade three classes at two of their nearby community schools and members of Regina Police Service’s Community Engagement Unit.

Representatives from each organization met in June 2018 to pick monthly dates through the 2019 school year where either the grade three classes would walk to the library or would be visited at their school by library and police staff.

Then, in September, we were off to the races!

We prepared an info package for the students at the start of the school year then walked with them to the library later that month for their first visit where we had either created or updated their existing cards.

Then, every month after that, we basically followed the same template where they’d visit us (if it was a warm weather month) or we’d visit them (if it was a cold weather month).  One of the two grade three classes would have stories read to them by a library staff member and a constable from the RPS Community Engagement Unit for 20-30 minutes while the other class would pick out books, do an activity and have a healthy snack for a similar amount of time.

When we visited the school, we would either hold back our newly arrived children’s books and/or pick newer books from our shelves which the library’s delivery trucks would take to the school in the morning and retrieve later in the day.

Halfway through the program, we had a Family Literacy Night and pizza party and today, we had a similar wrap-up event though this one was at noon and featured dignitaries including the Chief of Police and Library Director who presented certificates to each participant plus the opportunity for each child to pick out not one but two books they could keep!

That’s the super quick and dirty overview and there was lots of work, organizing and learning as we went to make it all work as smoothly as it did.

I haven’t heard yet what the decision is but hopefully we can find a way to run it again next year, possibly even in more schools!



Opinion vs. Empathy

Music Monday – “You can set my house on fire, baby/You can turn it into cinder and smoke/’Cause this house is mighty cold and I feel like/Melting all the snow away”

The first single from Tyler Childer’s upcoming album was my most played track of the long weekend…

House Fire” – Tyler Childers

Happy 12th Birthday Pace!

Mom and I are incredibly proud of the young man you’ve become!

Retro Saturday Snap – Feet to the Fire

Now that camping season has started, I’m into that part of my blog calendar where I’m less likely to keep my “daily post” streak alive but may also come back at the end of the weekend and do some “retro” posts backdated to the days I missed.

For example, it’s Monday night as I type this but I’m posting as if I put it up on Saturday.

(Also, I may have OCD.) 😉


Friday Fun Link – Hell’s Bells (Game of Thrones Spoilers)

They don’t match perfectly but this is still pretty cool…

Throwback Thursday – The Name Tag Makes It Official? (June 2006)

While i was doing my Master’s program in London, ON, I went in to Toronto to attend BookExpo Canada.

I wasn’t done my program but this might have been the first time I was referred to as a “Librarian” in any sort of semi-official capacity.