“Blackbird” by The Beatles sung in Mi’kmaq

This is a very cool cover by a Cape Breton teen that even got a shout-out from Macca himself!


Music Monday – “And your hollows on like a frozen freight train/You know that I help you if I can/But I’m just a raindrop in a river/Just a little itty-bitty grain of sand”

Wait So Long” – Trampled By Turtles

Free Walk-In Counselling from @fam_service Being Offered @officialRPL Regent Place Branch, Mondays from 12-4pm, Starting Monday June 3 #yqr

This amazing program has been running at Regina Public Library’s Central and Albert branches for awhile but is now being expanded to the Regent Place branch where I work.  The branch is at 331 Albert St (in the Market Mall that also has Pizza Pizza and Quiznos.)

The program offers:
* Drop-in counselling on a first-come, first-served basis.
* People who are interested can sign-up when they arrive at the branch.
* Sessions are one hour in length.
* They are held in a private room with a certified counsellor.
* People can talk about anything from anxiety and depression to parenting and relationships or anything else they might be struggling with.

Saturday Snap – The Best Part of Camping Without Daddy?

Shea and Sasha went out to our seasonal site this weekend while I stayed in the city to work and Pace stuck around to play video games visit his Aunt Sandi who is visiting from Kelowna.

Shea sent me this picture and said Sasha told her it was the best camping ever because “daddy isn’t here to steal my bacon!” 🙂

Friday Fun Link – A People Map of the Most Wikipedia Searched Person in Each Major City in the US

Who is the most searched resident of each city in the US on Wikipedia?

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Multi-Year Fence Project Finally Finished? (May 2014, May 2017, May 2018, May 2019)

We’ve been replacing our forty year old original fence in a series of mini-projects over the past five years.

We started with the back part of our yard in May 2014 which was a major job as the neighbour directly behind us (no back alley) is at the end of a crescent on a pie-shaped lot so his yard touches on four neighbours on our side and we had to get everyone and everything coordinated between multiple families.

Then in May 2016, we tackled the fence along the south side of our house which included putting in a new gate, some lattice on top of the fence at the front of the yard (not shown) and a couple other features beyond what you’d find on a regular fence.

Last year, in May 2018, we tackled the final section of fence that needed replaced – a section along the north side of our house along our driveway which meant working with our next door neighbour again (who happens to be a carpenter so a good guy to involve in a project like this!)  We also got helping hands from a few other family members of his and mine (my dad shown) as well as a general labourer who also had carpentry experience that we hired off Kijiji because, face it, we’re all getting older and doing it all ourselves would probably cause heart attacks all around!

Shea and I finally finished the project in two marathon days earlier this week where we stained the whole fence – across the back of our yard and along both sides of our house.  (Uhm, what do you mean we should do two coatings of stain???  Maybe the project will be finished for sure next May!) 😉

Minot Public Library Adds Another Incentive to Read – Cash!

Minot Public Library is partnering with Bank of North Dakota’s College SAVE program to provide one more incentive to participants in its summer reading program: money.

College SAVE is the state’s 529 plan to help residents save for college. Every young reader who signs up for the Minot Public Library’s Summer Reading Program will have the opportunity to register for one $529 contribution to a new or existing College SAVE account. At the end of the summer, every reader who completes the program’s parameters will receive a $25 contribution to a new College SAVE account or a $10 contribution to an existing account, along with a chance to receive one of 10 $529 contributions to a College SAVE account.

“I should go ahead and mention right now that he is a lymphoma survivor.” Some Thoughts on Civility

One of the ongoing debates in the world right now – in online discussion, in politics and in our personal lives – is what the role of civility is and how it’s perhaps become less important than in the past.

I think one change is that people used to be civil in a reciprocal manner even when they disagreed with each other.  Another difference is that today, people expect others to be civil but don’t realise (or care) when they’re being uncivil themselves.

In my experience, this is especially common in strongly held political battles where some individuals (I’d suggest generally people on the right but I may be biased as someone on the left!) take advantage of this imbalance to make rude and hostile comments without a commiserate response from the other side who might try to remain civil.

Of course, sometimes the response might blast right through any civility expectations to turn the point back on the original person.  That was my thought when I read this story on Reddit where a person, fed up with their conservative uncle’s attacks, absolutely eviscerates him:

So my conservative christian uncle was ranting about something to do with climate change when i walked into the room and he ended the rant with ” all I know is it was cold last winter and the winter before so I reckon all that global warming talk is just liberal bs to try and scare us” he then looked at me knowing I was not of the same opinion and said “so what do you think mr. The worlds on fire?”

I should go ahead and mention right now that he is a lymphoma survivor.

I replied, ” no you’re right. Shit I ate today, so world hunger must not be and issue either. Hey we both slept inside last night, so homelessness must not be real, and while we are at it, I have never had cancer personally so it must be a lie you have made to scare me, right?”

He looked at me with the most empty, dead look I have ever seen. There were 4 other people in the room and they couldnt believe what I had just said to my uncle a cancer survivor.

I left went home and drank a beer. Fuck em


Music Monday – “I’m up after midnight, cooking/Trying to make my rent/I’m rough but I’m pleasin’/I was raised on robbery”


Raised on Robbery” – Joni Mitchell

Raptors Make NBA Finals
