Saturday Snap – Some People Buy At Duty Free…

…some people just keep taking the free beers from the in-room mini-bar every day then bring them home in their suitcase! 😉

Could’ve had a really good score this trip if I’d thought to raid my parents’ and sisters’ rooms too!

(Not pictured – a can of Heineken Silver that I got at the beach, didn’t crack and brought home as well!)



Friday Fun Link – Things Dementia Patients Have Said To Me At The Hospital

Dementia is a terrible disease but it has its moments…


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – First Dementia Signs (February 2018)

One good thing about being an obsessive journal keeper since right around the time I graduated high school (and that those journals, started in WordPerfect, have now all been digitized and are completely searchable.)

So that’s how I know that the very first reference I made to my mom showing signs of dementia was in February 2018.

Like most people, I probably ignored those signs and chalked them up to “old age” or “forgetfulness” at first.

But knowing how my mom’s mom was at the end (don’t think it was ever diagnosed as dementia but clearly was) I think I knew deep down what it was when mom started getting names confused and repeating stories and just having the occasional “senior moment”.

There’s some irony that this first journal reference to her having signs of dementia was in February 2018 which is we did a family trip to the Moon Palace All-Inclusive Resort then, almost six years later to the day, we were once again Mexico and Shea and I once again arranged for mom to have a birthday surprise – her room decorated and a bottle of champagne waiting – although this time,  it was a lot sadder as mom didn’t even know it was her birthday unless someone told her (but that also didn’t stop her from popping the champagne immediately – still my mom deep down!) 😉

Anyhow, I’ll have more posts about our recent Mexico trip including one I’d like to do about traveling with someone suffering from dementia as I didn’t find a lot of tips and think that some of what we learned during the week could be useful to others.

Friday Fun Link – Dreams Playa Mujeres

As of today, I’m officially on holidays and will be here in a few short days…and likely very few blog posts until we return in a week.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Snorkelling in Hawaii (January 2012)

So glad the tour guide on this snorkeling tour didn’t actually need a bribe to make sure he didn’t drop our water camera when he swam underneath us to take this unique photo! 😉

Wisdom Wednesday – “This was the future at one point. Let’s use all this cool tech we have to make people’s lives easier, more fulfilling, and safer.”

Top 20 Worst SNL Musical Performances

There’s a theory that one way to know you’re officially “old” is when you no longer recognize the majority of musical guests on Saturday Night Live.

I probably hit that point 10 years ago or so but I still know most of these…unfortuantely.

Music Monday – “Take a trip from Canada/I want all of us to go/To my Island home/where Jah love forever flows”

One week today!!!

“Palm Trees” – Tasman Jude

Secular Sunday – Spoiler Alert: They Did Not Retrieve The Missionary’s Body


Saturday Snaps – #Rivalry Series #yqr #GoCanadaGo #CanadianWomenKickButt

Had tickets to the Rivalry Series game between the Canadian and American women’s national teams on Friday night and it was a great game and an even better experience.

I hadn’t been following it but when I looked it up, I was surprised to see the Americans had won the first three in a row and then the Canadians had won the next two.

So the Regina game would be a pretty pivotal battle because if the Canadians could win, Game Seven on Sunday would be to decide who wins the entire series (can’t help but think of echoes of the 72 Summit Series where the Russians went up in the first few games but the Canadians battled back to win the series!)

And it was a great game that ended with Canada getting the shutout (first of the series!) and winning 3-0 after being 0-0 most of the game setting up a game seven showdown on Sunday (there’s no other important sports games featuring women heavily on Sunday, right?) 😉