Saturday Snap – Our Summer Family

When we were at Echo a few years back, we met, befriended and hung out with (and got hungover with!) a few other young couples.  (I know “young” is relative for me these days but Shea’s a lot younger than me so I follow her lead on that!)

When we got our seasonal site at Weyburn, we quickly realised that our neighbours were probably not going to be doing “shots every time the Riders put points on the board” or engaging in various late night hijinxs (in fact, we realised most of them would likely be in their campers by 9pm!)

We later learned that our area of the park is called “Retirement Row” (and it applies to everyone in this picture except Shea, myself and two others) but hey, at least we’re not in “Geriatric Lane” like her parents are!

Anyhow, perhaps because of the age difference, it took us a bit longer to get to know our neighbours than it had at Echo (at Echo, our next door neighbours had a daughter who was Sasha’s age, at Nickle, we look forward to when the neighbours grandkids are around to play with our kids!)  But as we got to know them, we’ve really enjoyed hanging out, learning about their lives and yes, having the occasional happy hour cocktail together as well.

It was a pretty sad farewell when we packed up our site last weekend (doubly so as we were trying to keep quiet that we’d put in to move to a site closer to Shea’s parents but a security guard let it slip to our neighbours!) but whether we end up moving to a new site or not next year, we’ll still be in the same park and I’m sure we’ll make a point of stopping by to visit.

(Not pictured: Kevin and Linda who are two other “summer family members” who weren’t out that rainy weekend.)

Friday Fun Link – Top 20 Electric Guitar Riffs of All-Time

A bit heavy on the classic rock stuff but still a pretty decent list…


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – When My Football Jacket Still Fit (October 2011)

This photo was taken while going through some old clothes at my parent’s house in October 2011 (which happened to be a point in life where a football jacket I bought a two decades earlier sometime around 1991 still fit – something that’s definitely no longer the case!)

What Does Crytal Meth Feel Like?

First Day of School 2019

Grade seven and grade one!

Music Monday – “This tiny space is all I need to live in/A simple life’s good for the soul/And I think I’m going to live in a boler/Tow it behind me wherever I go”

I used this song as part of a longer end-of-season montage after our first summer seasonal site three years ago but it deserves a post of its own.

(Make sure you read the story about the singer from the Ovarian Cancer “Walk of Hope” page below – very tragic story for such a joyful song.)

“Living in a Boler” – Mandy Ringdal

10 Reasons We Love Camping

As we begin the sad process of closing up our seasonal site for another year, it feels like a good time to do a list of the reasons Shea and I enjoy camping so much:

  1. We both camped lots with our own parents growing up so we know how it can create amazing memories for kids, parents and now, grandparents since we camp in the same park as Shea’s parents and my parents usually make it down a few times a season (including a surprise visit this weekend!)
  2. Although it can be as expensive as you make it (hello $100,000 motorhomes!), for us, it’s a relatively inexpensive activity that provides an entire summer of fun and entertainment compared to a few days in a hotel visiting expensive tourist attractions and eating in restaurants (though we enjoy that too!)
  3. Camping a wonderful way to enjoy the great outdoors – probably one of my favourite things is simply sitting in a reclining lawn chair with a book, a beer and some tunes but I also love going for walks around the campground (see #6), sitting around a campfire (see #7) and gazing at the stars (see #8).
  4. Sort of related to the last point – I always find that camping makes my “normal” life of work, mortgages, cable TV news and everything else stressful – easily drop away.
  5. As I mentioned yesterday, you meet lots of new people – both those passing through and also the people you get to know who also have seasonal sites.
  6. Shea and I aren’t exercise fiends but part of what we enjoy about camping is we often do daily (and sometimes multiple times per day) walks around our campground.
  7. Nothing tastes better than a hot dog cooked over a campfire and eating 99% of your meals outside means they all taste better too!
  8. There’s a ton of things you learn while camping about everything from different aspects of the natural world (plants! animals! stars!) to basic repairs (lots of room for ingenuity when something goes wrong camping) to how much you enjoy the smell of bleach in a camp washroom as a sign that it’s just been cleaned! 😉
  9. (Slight) disconnect from our devices.  We still take them, we still use them but the campground where we have our seasonal site has somewhat spotty Internet so we don’t spend a lot of time on our devices while camping.  We also don’t have TV (no satellite and we can’t even pick up antenna channels) so much of our activities and entertainment are the old fashioned kind – reading, playing cards, scavenger hunts, going to the beach, buying ice cream, etc.
  10. And this is very specific to us but I could (and did) write a list of reasons we particularly love our rPod camper so much!

Saturday Snap – A Glimpse of Our Future?

Shea and I really enjoying the camping lifestyle and, although it’s still a few years away, have begun talking about what it would be like to downsize our house and buy a small camper/motorhome/camper van and just travel around in that once we retire.

We got a glimpse of what it might be like this past weekend when we met a couple from Kingston, ON who had done exactly that – sold their home and bought a tiny camper and now basically live on the road permanently, having seen nearly every province and state since they began travelling (as the stickers covering their camper attest!)

I think Shea and I would want a *bit* more space than these folks had (I didn’t get a photo of the inside but it was basically a “bed on wheels” with nothing else – no bathroom, no sink, definitely no room to stand up.  The camper even came with doors on each side so you didn’t have to crawl over your partner to get out though they admitted it was an acquired skill to learn how to dress while laying down!

Anyhow, it was an interesting conversation and we’ll see what the future brings…

Friday Fun Link – How The Fuck Does Fuckin Shit Work? History of Science Rap

This video is at ~5000 views as I type this.  Will be interesting to see if it goes viral and jumps a lot higher as it appears designed to do just that…


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Hummingbird (August 2013)