Unfortunately, I Know I’d Be Easier To Catch Than The Road Runner!

I make the occasional run out to Indian Head and around the Qu’Appelle Valley and after my parents won a few free oil changes at the local car dealership and offered me one, I had an excuse for another road trip yesterday after I got the kids off to school.

The free oil change turned out to be quite expensive when the garage found out my tire treads were getting quite low (which I knew and intended to deal with soon) but also that one tire had damage to the sidewall (which I didn’t know) and they recommended repairing immediately as it was dangerous to be driving on the highway!

So I left my car behind to get new tires and they gave me a loaner vehicle for the day.

I decided to carry on with my plans anyhow – eating take out East Indian food (not sure what amazes me more – that my small prairie hometown has supported an East Indian restaurant for five years or I haven’t managed to eat there before now!) at our family cottage, checking out our family farm, going for a long hike.

That’s where the road runner part comes in.

I decided to extend my hike past where I normally (and easily) go – not just to the “Hog’s Back” hillside about a kilometre from our farm yard but to take a big walk around the whole quarter section of land that we have which overlooks the Qu’Appelle Valley.

In my head, I thought there’d continue to be nice grassy parts along the fence line so I wouldn’t have to walk through the stalks of the combined canola.  Turns out I was only partially right – there were a couple parts that were good for walking but for most of my walk, I was either getting my bare legs (hadn’t really prepped for a hike and was wearing ankle socks and shorts!) scratched by the canola stalks or by the various pokey weeds in the grass.

A smarter man would’ve turned back right away but I kept thinking “Oh, it’ll get better” mixed with “I really want to do this” so I carried on (to be fair, the picture above is from the end of the hike, not what my legs looked like after my first few steps!)

Anyhow, I got about halfway through and all of a sudden, I hear a rustling near me and see an animal take off from the tall grass where it had been resting (it was also a fairly hot July-like day yesterday.)

I only saw a glimpse of it and I’m a bit embarrassed to admit that my first thought was “Why is a dog way up here? Must be loose from a cottage below.”  Then, even more embarrassingly, I ran through other dog-like wild animals it might be, ruling out “fox” but settling on “wolf” completely forgetting that there was an animal between those two extremes called a coyote.

Perhaps part of the reason my mind blanked on coyote was that we’d just seen one at the Calgary Zoo a month ago and I was morbidly fascinated watching the penned coyote gnawing on its lunch and I didn’t want to contemplate a close call with one not having a fence between me and it!

Anyhow, the rest of the walk proceeded without further incident (well, as I said, my legs were pretty mangled by the end – can coyotes smell blood like sharks do?) but I did pick up a couple rocks to carry and turned on some tunes to try to dissuade any further interactions even though coyotes rarely attack adult humans.

When I finished my walk, I spent some time thinking about what had happened and it made me realise that seeing that coyote was exactly *why* I wanted to go for the walk – it’s a good reminder that we mostly live in a fairly safe, developed, neutralized world and that can make us a bit complacent even though wilderness and untamed nature isn’t very far from us either.

But yeah, next time I go for a walk at the farm, I hope I see a deer instead! 😉

Music Monday – “Now in the pouring snow, sad, but swift/I headed down the highway/Hoping that the burden of my blues would lift/And praying that the whiskey would keep me brave”

Easily my favourite song of the year (I can’t believe I haven’t posted it before!)

Letter to Madeline” – Ian Noe

Secular Sunday – An Undeniable Prognosis (Best Atheist Arguments)


Saturday Snap – Building A Playground Is Building A Community

With our respective schedules, Shea and I end up with one Friday off together each month.

Yesterday, we did some errands in the morning then went over to our kids’ school where, after years of fundraising by the Student Community Council, they were finally about to build a new playground structure with the help of a bunch of volunteers.

After a week of rain, it was muddy but an otherwise beautiful day and we quite enjoyed talking to the other parents, watching the structure come together, and thinking about the years of enjoyment that the younger kids in the neighbourhood will get from this new structure (just as the now older kids got from the last structure over the years.)

Here are some photos from our day…

Right after we arrived, Shea climbed up on the half completed structure early and never left until they shut down for the day!  

We weren’t completely a volunteer crew. They had hired a project manager who oversees the building of playground structures as a part-time gig when he’s not building houses.  This was the view from his table. 

At recess, the kids were very curious about the new playground but teachers did a good job of keeping them away from the dangerous job site (they had to pre-dig about a dozen or so holes for various poles so we actually had some volunteers tripping in holes and occasionally dropping bolts and other parts into the holes as well!)

Near the end of the day, they realised they’d missed digging one hole.  Luckily, they were able to get to the proper spot by only removing one component of the otherwise near-finished structure!   

Friday Fun Link – Quick Draw With Google

This is a pretty fun game (especially if you don’t think about the implications of millions of humans training Google’s AI systems so tech companies can control us more!) 😉

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Going South (February 2015)

Our family on a plane heading to the Dominican Republic in 2015 (and part of how we afford our holidays?  I still wear that same t-shirt four years later!) 😉

The Only Connection Between 9/11 and Christmas?

9/11 might be the favourite day of the year for the conspiracy-minded posters on  r/conspiracy. 🙂

A Taste of What The Public Library in a Village of 255 People Has To Offer…

Man, do I love small town libraries!

And always great to see the amazing things happening across the regional system where I first worked after completing my MLIS 13 (!) years ago.  Southeast Regional Library has a slogan “Not The Library You Remember” and though I think it’s mostly aimed at people who only remember the “books & shh’ing” libraries of their youths, I almost don’t recognize the library I supervised just over a decade ago!


Music Monday – “She said, “Andy, you’re better than your past”/Winked at me and drained her glass/Cross-legged on a barstool, like nobody sits anymore”

Elephant” – Jason Isbell

(This reaction video where a couple commentators slowly realize what the song’s about is a pretty good supplement to what some feel is the best song of 2013.)

Five Things I Want From An All-Inclusive Resort (Before I Go)

Ever since we bought our camper a few years ago along with our good fortune to be able to go on winter holidays for a few years running, I’ve begun to feel that my life basically oscillates between those two annual highlights.

We get off the plane in late February/early March, tanned and rested and immediately begin thinking of our next holidays to come that summer (okay, I usually spend a bit of time thinking about next *winter’s* potential holiday destinations since the feeling is so fresh in my mind.)  But I eventually switch to thoughts of summer.  Then, when summer ends and the camper’s put away, our thoughts turn to whether we can swing a trip to some tropical destination again.

Rinse, repeat.

This year, I spent a lot of time wondering if this year might be a good year to try a rental apartment/condo of some kind instead of an all-inclusive like we usually do.

But because it didn’t look we would save huge amounts by going non-all-inclusive (especially if we still want at least some of the amenities that all-inclusive offer – oceanfront locations, decent swimming pools, kid/teen clubs, the convenience of not having to do any shopping/cooking at all) plus the fact that Pace is now 12 and so this is likely the last year we can take him to a resort at a free/greatly reduced rate, we figured we’ll probably go to an all-inclusive this year again.

Shea and I began doing a bit of research this weekend and it made me think of a supplement to the lists I already did of “10 Things I Want In An All-Inclusive” and “10 More Things I Want In An All-Inclusive“, namely…

5 Things I Want From An All-Inclusive (Before I Go)

  1. Menus!
    It’s almost unbelievable how many resorts don’t post their a la carte restaurants’ menus online.  It’s fine to know that a resort has a “Mexican” restaurant or a “French” restaurant and most also post hours and dress codes/age restrictions for their culinary offerings.  So, since these menus rarely if ever change, it wouldn’t be hard to go one step further and post links to PDFs of the menus so that people who are trying to find out about exactly what types of dishes are at each restaurant – either for dietary reasons or just to start thinking about the delicious food they’re going to order – could do exactly that.  (Tip: Many larger resorts have fan pages on Facebook and you can often find photos of restaurant menus, cocktail menus, activity schedules and all that stuff you might want to know about ahead of time to aid with your planning that the resorts themselves rarely share.)
  2. Full-Featured Apps That Work and Provide Comprehensive Information
    This is sort of related to the last point.  Many resorts now have mobile apps but I’ve seen everything from apps with broken links/non-working pages to again, no detailed information (a list of restaurants with hours but no menus) to even some that have restrictions so you can’t actually use the app until you’re *on the property!*
  3. Pictures.  Photos.  Reviews.  Information.  
    This is a bit out of the resort’s hands (at least in terms of reviews – or at least non-biased ones that aren’t hand-selected raves) but a general rule of thumb is that bigger resorts are more likely to have more information about them – videos on Youtube, photos on Instagram, latest happenings on Twitter and Facebook.  People are making a massive financial decision when they decide to visit a resort so why don’t the resorts do more to give you everything you need to help you make that decision – instead of a handful of selected photos, put pictures of every aspect of your resort.  Have a professionally prepared “walk-through” video instead of some tourist’s shaky-cam version uploaded to YouTube.  Have a live cam.  Maintain a daily blog of what’s happening at the resort.  Have a staff member do mini-interviews with guests about their experiences as they’re happening.  Have a live map with “pins” for everywhere your guests have visited from.
  4. Responsiveness
    In all our visits to all-inclusives, it’s been really hit or miss (mostly miss) in terms of getting quick, accurate, informative responses to my advance queries – whether requesting a cot to booking a special dinner.  Sometimes this can be minor (especially if it can be fulfilled we arrive) but sometimes it can be incredibly inconvenient (when we traveled with Shea’s parents and her brother and his family to Cuba, the hotel caught that they should be located near each other because they had the same last name.  But we were put on another floor entirely and could only move when a room came up a couple days later.)
  5. Why Are You Unique?
    At their core, every all-inclusive follows the same basic template.  They’ll all have a buffet and some a la carte restaurants, they’ll all have daytime activities and nighttime shows, they’ll all have access to beaches and pools. And in terms of things to draw you back year and year, that’s a pretty inviting list and a good reason why the template *doesn’t* vary too much from resort to resort.  But at the same time, after you’ve been to a handful of resorts, perhaps you start to wonder if there’s anything else that makes one stand-out from another.  Because most resorts do have unique features – a water park.  An eco-theme in everything they do.  An archery range.  An a la carte that *isn’t* the standard combo of Mexican/Italian/Mediterranean/French/Japanese you see at most all-inclusive resorts.  What if you had a Middle Eastern restaurant?  An East Indian?  A high end one by a Michelin-rated chef?  Even a poolside food truck for something unique?  (All of those examples exist by the way.)  Anyhow, there are literally hundreds of options just across Mexico and the Caribbean for someone considering an all-inclusive vacation.  Let me know in advance what sets you apart from everybody else and what you offer that I can’t get anywhere else?