Music Monday – “Oh come back love, Oh come back love/The sun and moon refuse to shine/Since I’ve gone love, gone away love/This lonely girl has had no peace of mind”

Fare Thee Well Love” – The Rankin Family

The Importance of Being Able to Say “I Don’t Know”

Perhaps like no other profession on earth, librarians are dedicated to providing others with factual, accurate information across an incredibly broad range of subjects (if you’re a Dewey fan, you might think of it as us covering from 000 to 999 – basically the full range of human knowledge!)

So one of the toughest things about COVID-19 from a personal perspective is that there is so much that’s unknown, unknowable, or ever-changing and it’s reminded me of how important it is to be able to say “I don’t know”.

(On the other hand, it’s also frustrating to see how many people who barely knew the difference between a virus and bacteria a month ago are suddenly experts on infectious diseases!  Or how otherwise intelligent people believe coronavirus myths.)

Anyhow, here are just a few examples of the current unknowns around COVID…

Saturday Snap – Tough Birthday Cake Choices

When Sasha was decorating her birthday cake, I’m sure it was just an unfortunate oversight that she had enough letters to write “Unicorn” but not enough to write “Daddy”! 😉

Friday Fun Link – When Quarantine Lasts Too Long?

This is a cover of “Africa” by Toto performed on sweet potato and squash.

I repeat, this is a cover of “Africa” by Toto performed on sweet potato and squash.


Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Happy 7th Birthday Sasha (August 2019)

Here’s my sunshine at the Regina Folk Fest last summer…

Fun With Opposites – Linda from London Public Library

Was nice to see this pop up in one of my social media feeds today – one of my favourite classmates in library school (and a real life rock star librarian!) doing a digital program (and I’ll likely do a longer post at some point about the library’s role and response in the COVID era but am still thinking about it a lot).

Anyhow, enjoy…


Pretend this is one of those Facebook quizzes and put a checkmark besides any words/phrases you didn’t know (or think about regularly) *before* a month ago when the Coronavirus began to expand and grow our language

  • Asymptomatic
  • Carole Fuckin’ Baskin
  • CERB
  • Community Spread
  • Contact Free Delivery
  • Contact Tracing
  • Contagion (movie)
  • Coronavirus
  • Covidiot
  • Coworker (in reference to children and/or pets)
  • Curbside Pickup
  • Day pyjamas/Night pyjamas
  • Dr. Fauci
  • Droplets
  • Essential Workers
  • Exponential Growth
  • Flatten The Curve
  • Google Classroom
  • Herd Immunity
  • Higher Risk
  • Houseparty
  • Hydroxychloroquine
  • Instacart
  • Intubation
  • Joe Exotic
  • Keep A Safe Distance
  • Livestream
  • Mitigation
  • N95
  • NetflixandStayStill, NetFlixandChills, NetFlixandAntiViralPills
  • Online Delivery
  • Open Up The Economy
  • Pandemic
  • Pandemic Playlist
  • Physical Distancing
  • PPE
  • Presumptive Positive
  • Quarantine
  • Quarantini
  • Respirator
  • R Naught
  • Self Isolate
  • Senior Grocery Hours
  • Shelter at Home/Shelter in Place
  • Shutdown
  • Six Feet (minor quibble – the Prime Minister and others regularly say “two metres” which is appropriate as a metric-based country.  But I wish they’d say “six feet or two metres” sort of like how they’ll repeat the same message in English and French!)
  • Slow The Spread/Stop The Spread
  • Social Distancing
  • Sourdough
  • Spanish Flu
  • Speak Moistley
  • Statistically Significant
  • Stay at Home Order
  • Super Spreader
  • Telework (or “WFH – Work From Home”)
  • Temperature Check
  • The Name of Every Chief Medical Officer in the Country
  • Tiger King
  • Toilet Paper Shortage
  • Ventilator
  • Viral Load/Viral Spread
  • Virtual Happy Hour
  • Wet Market
  • World Health Organization
  • Wuhan
  • Yeast
  • Zoom
  • Zoonoses(Inspired by this tweet.)

Music Monday – “We ate the food, we drank the wine/Everybody having a good time, except you/You were talking about the end of the world”

Until the End of the World” – U2

Secular Sunday – Jesus Shares His Love For The World This Easter

Saturday Snap – A Virtual Birthday Card For Grandpa

Coronavirus is affecting us in ways big and small but one of the worst things is not being able to see the people you love in person anymore.

So me and the kids threw together a “Virtual Birthday Card’ for Grandpa Ray as a placeholder until we get to see him in person!