Saturday Snap – Sledding

Friday Fun Link – A Strong Contender For The #covidiot Hall of Fame?

I mean, to be fair, this guy might be thinking of how some people have the letters “Dr” in front of their name.  But that’s an abbreviation instead of an actual academic designation (where the letters go *after* the name.)

So yeah, if you’re implying that your Facebook-based research methods give you more knowledge than somebody who’s studied science for 7-10 years and has legitimate credentials after their name, there’s probably not much hope that *anyone* who’s got an advanced education in any subject (and therefore has learned proper research methods, critical thinking skills, or even that there’s always someone more knowledgeable to look to) is going to be able to teach you (reach you?) anyhow.


Sask Library Association Recommendation Letter (June 2001)

Going through some old papers, I came across this recommendation letter from the Sask Library Association Executive Director.  If this letter didn’t make it clear, I’ve always felt a strong connection to libraries, loved getting to work for the province’s library association and, only five short years later, I’d be off to library school to become a librarian myself! 🙂

“I told him I strongly recommend wearing it but…”

Anti-Maskers Throw Tantrums Nationwide

It’s so weird that the kids who used to cheat off the smart kids to pass science classes now yell “Do your own research!” as they claim to be experts in infectious diseases based on some Facebook memes, YouTube videos and reading a bunch of  unreliable web sites.

Music Monday – “Angel of Death/Monarch to the kingdom of the dead/Infamous butcher/Angel of Death”

Is it too early to start posting Christmas songs? 😉

“Last Christmas/Angel of Death” – Wham!/Slayer Mash-Up

One Crazy Unintended Consequence of Covid?

It’s never happened before but Shea and I are almost completely ready for Christmas and it’s not even December 1 yet!

We put the tree up right after Remembrance Day after making the mistake of saying/spelling “When do you want to put up the T-R-E-E?” in front of a little grade two kid who we sometimes forget is pretty good at spelling now!  Once she heard what we were talking about, there was no turning back and the tree went up that same day!

We had already been doing a lot of our shopping ahead of time with uncertainty about another lockout and between Costco, Toys R Us, and a few local stores/vendors, we’ve basically ended up with all the gifts we need.

We’ve decorated our regular house, a gingerbread house and have even bought a turkey!

With all the uncertainty in the world these days, I’m sure that’s part of the reason we were looking to both have so much Christmas stuff “locked down” ahead of time but also to start trying to bring the joy of Christmas into our world a bit earlier than usual too!

Saturday Snap – Post-Sledding Hot Chocolate

Friday Fun Link – The Undertaker Eats Spicy Wings

I know I’ve highlighted the “First We Feast” web show before *including* when they had a different wrestler on.

But given that Undertaker is one of the best known wrestlers of all-time, is about to retire this weekend thirty years after his first appearance at the same annual Survivor Series event, and he rarely breaks character publicly, this is pretty cool…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Possession Day! (November 2019)

Hard to believe it was a year ago on November 22 that we took possession of our new house.

It has been an eventful twelve months to say the least and though it was a big, stressful decision at the time, probably one of the best decisions of our lives!