
After a very strange, long, historic year, it feels pretty monumental that the UK is the first country rolling out their Covid vaccine starting today (okay, Russia actually started a few days ago but I think the UK is getting all the attention since that’s the Pfizer one most of the world will be using) with an 81-year old grandmother being the first person to receive a non-trial version of the vaccine followed immediately by someone named, what else, Bill Shakespeare!


Music Monday – “Mistletoe’s off/Don’t even ask/You won’t be kissing me/Because I’m wearing my mask/But we might as well smile/Because we’ll be here for awhile/On this Covid Christmas”

Covid Christmas” – Dara Schindelka

Secular Sunday – Judgement on Covid-19 (HEAVY METAL Kenneth Copeland Remix)

I can’t decide whether to use this on Secular Sunday or Music Monday!

And honestly, I’m a big fan of science and logic.  But do I not also sometimes wonder how much more interesting life might be if I believed this kind of loony-bird bullshit?

Like imagine being somebody who watches the guy on the right all ranty and unhinged and instead of thinking “Is he off his meds?”, decides “Yep, that’s what I’m looking for in a spiritual guide!” 😮


Saturday Snap – My Year In One Photo?

Friday Fun Link – What Are All-Inclusives Like with Covid Protocols

Obviously Mexico and hot holidays are on my mind lately – yesterday, I posted about how a picture of the Isla Mujeres ferry evoked some thoughts about how much life has changed in the past year and then I found myself seeking out videos of those brave (foolish?) souls who are still venturing south for hot holidays.

What *is* it like to wear a mask on a beach??? 😉

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Isla Mujeres Ferry (And A Selection of Things I Miss In Covid Times) (March 2018)

This was taken on the ferry to Isla Mujeres during a trip to Cancun in March 2018.  Amazing how much a single photo can capture how much our world has changed…

1. International Travel
2. Being in a Crowd
3. No one wearing masks
4. Somebody singing in front of people
5. Sightseeing Excursions

The Return of Rainbow

Sasha’s had one of those Elf on the Shelf things the past few years (well, a Dollar Store knock-off) but this year, she’s figured out some secrets about Santa, the North Pole and surveillance state elves that watch your every move.

Even though she’s figured out that the elf doesn’t move on its own (I think she tested this out last year by touching it when we weren’t looking to see if it would still move…which it inevitably did), the elf made it’s return yesterday but with a couple new twists – arriving in an airtight “quarantine” bag and wearing a mask plus with a new friend who has been christened “Unicorn” (actually another Dollar Store knock-off bought a couple weeks ago when I couldn’t remember where I’d hid Rainbow last Christmas.  Luckily I eventually found him in a basket in our closet before December 1!)

#Covidiot Tuesday – The Pyramid of Intellect

I’ve got Music Monday, Throwback Thursday, Friday Fun Link, Saturday Snap and occasionally Secular Sunday but maybe now it’s time for another recurring post idea – #Covidiot Tuesday – since the anti-maskers seem to keep believing and sharing all the same old discredited information…

Music Monday – “I ain’t taking you home, I found a little place that’ll do/It’ll never match the beauty of a Tennessee spring/But it’s something new”

One of my favourite things about listening to music is hearing a song that catches you just right and you like it so much, you end up playing it repeatedly.

That was me with this song this past weekend…

One More Night in Brooklyn” – Justin Townes Earle

A Memorable Way to Decorate a 2020 Christmas Tree

Between the four of us, we’ve accumulated numerous masks over the last few months.

Shea’s dad suggested we could use them to make a very memorable 2020 Christmas photo (and this doesn’t even include all the ones we have stored in vehicles and stuffed in jackets and left at work!)