Friday Fun Link – Ted Cruz For Human President

This is pretty funny (and the designer has pages for other topics that are rich for satire – Rudy Giuliani, Mayor Pete, and Cryptocurrency.)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – NHL Heritage Classic (October 2019)

The abbreviated, Covid-impacted 2021 NHL season began yesterday but it really begins tonight as my Calgary Flames begin their season with rematch of the NHL Heritage Classic that was held in Regina just over a year ago (or about a decade ago by Covid time!)

The Capitol Riots: An Hour By Hour Timeline


Is Hello Fresh Worth It?

Shea and I recently decided to give Hello Fresh a try.

If you haven’t heard of it, it’s one of a few competing companies that have sprung up over the past decade or so that sends pre-packed supplies for making a single meal.

Many of my friends swear by meal delivery services, referring to them as complete game-changers that ultimately expanded their recipe repertoires and drastically cut down the amount of time spent sweating over the stovetop. Perhaps this was the solution I was looking for, even if only on weeknights when time was short and my patience was thin.

Shea did most of the work to set it up but here’s how I understand it – you pick how many different meals you want to receive, which recipes, and how many servings (enough for 2 people or 4 people.)

– simplifies meal preparation (useful on weeknights when it’s often easier to default to fast food on the way home or convenience foods)

– saves time shopping (doubly helpful in Covid times if you don’t like going to grocery stores)

– provides recipe cards you could save and re-use if you did decide to buy your own supplies in future

– obviously you pay a premium for any service like this over buying individual ingredients and preparing everything yourself

– lot of waste as most items in the package are individually wrapped/packaged  (I guess the flip side is it might help prevent food waste as you’re not buying bigger amounts of items you might only need for one recipe or use a small amount of or whatever.)

– you still have to do prep and cook so still not as convenient as ordering restaurant meals.

– would be interesting to see the cost analysis versus prepping everything completely yourself versus ordering in a restaurant meal.  I would imagine Hello Fresh comes in somewhere between those two

– I think you have flexibility for ordering your meals so you don’t have to “subscribe” to a weekly delivery unless you want to which gives you more control of your financial commitment

– for the most part, the kits supply a main course and a salad (I think) so you still have to prepare a side dish.  (We didn’t order any but they also include vegetarian selections.)

– And obviously, you can also add/improvise away from the provided recipe if you want too.

Anyhow, our first meal (lamb burgers) pictured above, was *really* good but I’m not convinced this is something we’ll order regularly either.

Music Monday – “Marched into the capital brooding duplicitous/Wicked and able, media-ready/Heartless, and labeled/Super US citizen, super achiever/Mega ultra power dosing, relax/Defense, defense, defense, defense”

Originally about the Reagan years but the sentiment applies to most right-wing governments including Trump’s…

Ignoreland” – R.E.M.

(Side note: “Ignoreland” is my least favourite song on probably my most favourite album of all-time.  Wish it had been on “Monster” instead.)

The “Christianity” of Mike Pence

Seems timely…


Saturday Snap – New Glasses, Who Dis?

“I like the Beatles and I like books – do you have anything that will make me look like a cross between John Lennon and Harry Potter?”

“We have just the thing, sir…”

Friday Fun Link – “Songbird” Trailer

How did I miss that Michael Bay had produced a Covid-19 themed movie early during the pandemic that started production in May 2020 and was released in December?

The reviews are predictably bad but I’d probably still watch it.

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Tiny Bubbles (July 2012)

What In The Flying Fuck Was That? #tre45on #trumptreason #uspoli #CheetoMussolini #HairHitler #TrumpleThinskin #YallQaeda

So Washington DC basically became like something from a movie today as Trump held a big rally at the same time as Congress was certifying the Electoral College results (normally, a formality but with all the talk of “rigged elections”, various Republicans were going to try to gum up the process as much as possible) which led, in turn, to Trump’s supporters storming The Capitol.

I have so many thoughts/questions:

* honestly, why does this surprise anyone?  Trump has been batshit insane since he announced he was running for President and has only gotten worse as time has gone on (especially since he lost the election two months ago.)

* where the hell were the police?  As someone pointed out on Twitter, the US spends $700 billion on defence and can’t prevent a guy in a buffalo costume from getting onto the Senate Floor?  They had lines of National Guard on the steps of the Capitol during the BLM protests and I literally saw one lone guard trying to block a mob of about 20 people who had already entered the building today.

* it makes me incredibly angry to see the disparity in how protesters were treated during BLM protests this summer (rubber bullets, batons, etc.) and how the MAGAts were treated today (kids gloves with very little resistance and even clips of protesters in the Capitol taking selfies with police! 😮

* some speculation that law enforcement, which is majority for Trump, may have been complicit in allowing this along with higher level Trump appointees who made arrangements (or failed to) for the possible outcomes of the day.

* one thing not being talked about a huge amount is how the breach isn’t just the damage to the physical spaces but the possibility that confidential materials such as hard drives, thumb drives, paper documents, mail, etc. may have been taken (one guy bragged that he took an envelope from Nancy Pelosi’s desk but “left a quarter” so that was okay!)

* “protesters” isn’t even the right word for the mob today once they breached the Capitol.  At that point, they are rioters, criminals and very much insurrectionists.

* the difference from BLM protesters or others who say, break windows or loot stores during their riots, is the word insurrectionist which takes this to a whole other level of offense.

* which leads to my biggest worry – the people involved – from the low level rioters to Trump himself – will not face appropriate consequences – whether that is jail time or the invocation of the 25th Amendment.

* I feel like I could make a list with a hundred bullet points of thoughts and observations about what happened today but I feel like my head is literally spinning at how completely insane today’s events were at their core.  Everything that many people (including myself) thought might happen in terms of Trump’s ongoing escalation and creeping fascism basically came true.

But really the only question is…what happens next?  Congress has reconvened this evening to finish their vote, it sounds like the group of elected Republicans who were prepared to oppose the count aren’t, it’s a very open question whether Trump will be impeached (again!) or possibly even removed under the 25th Amendment.

I don’t know…back to CNN I guess.