Music Monday – “But I don’t need no friends/As long as I gaze on Waterloo sunset/I am in paradise”

Watched “Juliet, Naked” this weekend with Shea (who thought the tale of an obnoxiously nitpicky music obsessive hit a bit too close to home for her!) 😉

Anyhow, this song played a pivotal part of the movie…

Waterloo Sunset” – The Kinks

Our Second Trip to Mexico During Covid?

I said yesterday’s visit to Mexico would be our only one but we enjoyed it so much, we decided to go again to celebrate Valentine’s Day! 😉

(We’re not the only ones missing beach vacations apparently but this is pretty extreme!)


Saturday Snap – Our Only Visit To Mexico During Covid…

Buy a six pack of Sol at the liquor store, some limes at the grocery store, and put beach videos on the TV. 🙁

(But hey, at least we’re being safer than overly entitled snowbirds!)

Friday Fun Link – Which Dewey Decimal Number Are You?

The NYPL has a Buzzfeed-esque quiz that’s pretty fun…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – 360 Front Flip With A Twist (January 2017)

In hindsight, letting a 10-year old parkour addict jump off the snow-covered garage  into a big pile of snow was probably not the wisest decision of my parenting career (and isn’t that usually the stuff you do when your parents aren’t watching anyhow?)

Trump Impeachment Opening Video

Donald Trump’s *second* impeachment began yesterday and this was one of the first videos shown summarizing the insurrection of January 6 (very telling it comes with a warning!)…


Who Is The GOAT?

With Tom Brady’s latest Super Bowl win possibly cementing his status as the greatest American football player of all-time, it’s also sparked debates about who is the greatest athlete of all-time?

There are a lot of factors to be considered – is it based on playoff success?  Longevity?  Total points?  Gaps between all-time points production and next most successful athlete in the same sport?  Success across different teams?  Does it matter if its success in team sports vs. someone who excelled in an individual sport?  What about the demands of the sport itself?  Or the position someone plays within that sport? Do we take into account biases based on recency?  Gender?  Race?

Anyhow, I came across this guy as one suggestion of a strong (literally!) contender for the GOAT title and I’m not going to argue!

Music Monday – “Hey little sister/Who’s your superman/Hey little sister/Who’s the one you want?”

I know it’s not 2020 anymore but the most “2020” thing of 2021 (so far) is that it’s a pre-Super Bowl performance by Miley Cyrus and Billy Idol that feels like the first real, tangible proof I’ve seen in nearly a year that we might get back to “normal” once vaccinations are widespread.

Someone who saw this performance said they first cringed when they saw thousands of unmasked people in the audience which is, unfortunately, a very typically American scene.

But then they realised these were all vaccinated healthcare workers which made their fear and unease drop away completely and the scene just felt…normal.

(And who knew when I was rocking out to Billy Idol songs in grade seven in 1986 that seeing him perform in this particular circumstance would bring tears to my eyes in 2021???)

“Nightcrawling/White Wedding” – Miley Cyrus & Billy Idol

Secular Sunday – NOD vs. SOD in Regina (A Different Kind of Religion?)

Looking longingly at a “SOD” fireworks show

Religion takes many forms and one of the strangest is the tribalism that often happens, even within the *same* community.

This CBC article looks at the historic divisions between those who are North of Dewdney (NOD) and those who are in the south part of Regina.

These divisions aren’t unique – every city I’ve lived has had them.

In Calgary, the division was between those in the west and the east parts of the city (was Deerfoot Trail the dividing line there or maybe MacLeod Trail?) and in London, ON, it mattered to some people if you were EOA (East of Adelaide).

And the same strange tribalism radiates outwards – Regina has its NOD vs. SOD dividing line but everyone in Regina is also aware of the city’s rivalry with Saskatoon.  But when the Riders play the Stampeders, all of Saskatchewan unites behind the green and white.  And then, when eastern Canada tries to implement some new government policy, the west including people in both Saskatchewan and Alberta might unite against “those eastern bastards.”  Then, when its the Olympics or whatever, most Canadians unite against all the other countries.

I grew up with a version of it myself – people in Fort Qu’Appelle were our main rivals and things always seemed heightened when we interacted with people from there – whether it was on the sports field or in the bar (I still have a tiny scar on my cheek from a shattered glass during a Katepwa Lake bar confrontation between IH and Fort Qu’Appelle residents at which I was an innocent bystander…honest!)

Anyhow, Shea and I have lived both “SOD” and “NOD” in Regina and honestly don’t notice much difference or have a preference ourselves.

Like the guy quoted in the article who grew up “SOD” (who, in typical Saskatchewan fashion, happens to both be Shea’s cousin-in-law and also mentions the same street – Castle Road – where Shea and I first met and lived together for about four years while attending the nearby University.) we now live “NOD” (ironically, only a few blocks from that same cousin-in-law who moved NOD for family reasons) and part of the reason we do is because when we moved back from Calgary and were house hunting in 2004,  we had a real estate agent who was adamant that Shea and I were “south end people” and he literally wouldn’t even take us to look at houses “NOD” to see what was available!

We ended up buying privately and got an amazing house – built by a cooperative of tradespeople, many of whom still lived in the area (the person we bought from was the bricklayer and the original carpenter still lived next door.)  And it was so much larger and better built than many south-end houses (Regina’s dirty secret is the “south” is the rich/desirable/white collar area but it’s also built on swampy gumbo so most basements in the south end are cracked and need reinforced!)

Anyhow, one of the main things that bugs me about these artificial divisions – as the article says, a lot of it is about class division and reinforcing social standing. But one of the reasons we love the north end is that it feels a lot more diverse than the south – Pace’s best friend at school is from Africa, Sasha’s best friend is from the Middle East.

And ultimately, these divisions may mean more if you grew up here or you grew up in a pre-Internet time where physical distance was more of a barrier.  But Regina is a pretty small city overall.  I can practically see fields north of the city from my living room but can also be at the south end of the city in 15 minutes if the traffic lights cooperate.

Anyhow, I like the approach of the younger kids quoted in the article who also seem to realise these divisions are false and unnecessary.  That’s the best approach if you ask me!

Saturday Snap – How To Simulate a Tropical Holiday in Covid Times

Normally, Saturday Snap is a pic I’ve taken but I came across this on social media and decided to post it…

We’ve been fortunate to do a winter holiday for the past few years so now that we’re into February, it’s starting to hit me that this won’t be happening this year (doesn’t help that we’re in a stretch of -40 weather right now either!)

Anyhow, that made me think of ways you could simulate a tropical vacation without leaving your house:

  1. if you have a jetted tub, put on your bathing suit and pretend you’re floating in the ocean waves.  (Bonus if you can fit in other family members!)
  2. pile your plate high with 3x more tacos than you can possibly eat, all ordered from a local restaurant
  3. buy a bottle of tequila and make some tropical drinks (bonus if you drink a tequila sunrise in the morning with your omelette)
  4. try to convince yourself that the snow outside the window is sand
  5. have typical all-inclusive resort music playing in the background as soon as you wake up until you go to bed at night (for added reality, turn it up a lot louder in the evening when you’re trying to fall asleep).
  6. cook at least one seafood meal (rip up a $50 bill if you choose lobster considering it a “surcharge” even though resorts are otherwise all-inclusive)
  7. put a “Coconut” scented air freshener in your dining room (and a “unidentified humid musty smell” in your bedroom)
  8. instead of beach volleyball, play “living room knees-only sock toss”
  9. Move your beer fridge from your basement to your bedroom and stock it with exactly two beers, two cokes, two sprites and two bottle of water.  Forget to refill it after the first day)
  10. put a 10 hour video of a beach scene in the background of your smart TV.  (Have box of tissues nearby.)