I’ve said it before but #RPLStories is easily the best marketing campaign the library I work for has ever done (they’re focused on patron stories so I’m not just saying that because I have a cameo in one of them!) 😉 I knew his story already (likely from his own #RPLStory) but had a lengthy […]
Random thoughts: * Covid isn’t over even if people are acting as if it is. * I don’t think its fear-mongering/living in fear to pay attention to what is being reported by scientists, medical professionals and others. * I have a pet peeve with people who say “My Covid was mild” which I hear as […]
I was going to do a post about the most memorable moments (good and bad!) at the various RPL Staff Development Days/Staff Conferences I’ve attended over the years (including five years on the planning committee and three years as Chair) but I don’t really have the energy for it because as I type this, it’s […]
One of the great ironies of the working world is that we often questions like the one above in interviews of new staff but then hire people who don’t feel empowered to actually go “above and beyond” to help people. This can be for a variety of reasons – too time-consuming, confusion or mixed messages […]
Got a surprise call at work from Great Canadian Brewhouse East who have a weekly promotion where they deliver pizza to a random nearby business or organization for Free Friday Lunch. Delicious and a great way to end the week! (I wonder how many businesses they deliver to end up even sharing with a couple […]
I recently took delivery of a new photocopier at the branch I’m currently working at and it reminded me of my first job at RPL where I oversaw all staff training and development…including organizing training on what were, at the time, brand new, full-featured photocopiers!
I’m home with a sick kid today (plus had ice cream for breakfast as I have a sore throat myself!) so a rough couple of months in terms of family health continues… Ironically, we only dealt with Covid once (Pace for a week in early October) and, knock on wood, no one else in the […]
One of the questions I answer in my annual “End of Year” meme questionnaire is “What kept you sane this year?” It’s a bit early but it’s been a rough year (and a very rough month) for a variety of reasons I may or may not expand on someday. But anyhow, I thought I’d post […]
This week might have to be a “Leadership” theme… ‘Bosses’ who mask when in the presence of others demonstrate:•evidence-based decision-making;•respect for their employees;•that they understand their influence; and•very good leadership. — Dr. Jennifer Irwin (@drjenirwin) October 25, 2022
Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill, encompasses the ability of an individual, group or organization to “lead”, influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. – WikipediaÂ