Believe it or not, there have been a few good things to come out of Covid. Here’s a few… * greater acceptance of work-from-home in many sectors * I’d say that it’s caused many people to reassess their work-life balance * many people are also saving money by going out less for restaurants, entertainment, shopping. […]
“Sweetness Follows” – R.E.M.
I honestly sometimes don’t understand humanity – there are people living in tents in frigid weather and freezing to death in the streets and our decision makers, a number of whom claim to be Christians, could use their power to try to do…anything…but then they don’t. Uhm, Merry Christmas everybody? And then Jesus said unto […]
I’m home with a sick kid today (plus had ice cream for breakfast as I have a sore throat myself!) so a rough couple of months in terms of family health continues… Ironically, we only dealt with Covid once (Pace for a week in early October) and, knock on wood, no one else in the […]
RIP Bob McGrath. A huge part of many kids’ childhoods and a deep, impactful connection to Saskatchewan as well. (I never met the man but of all the celebrities I’ve tried to add on Facebook – some successfully, some not – his acceptance was probably the one that made me the happiest!) “Rainbow Connection” – […]
The amount of stress I’m seeing in the world right now is overwhelming. People I know from Ukraine and Iran worried about home. People navigating our Covid-filled world whether they’ve never tested positive or tested positive multiple times. Parents trying to find needed badly needed medicine for their kids while teachers face half empty classrooms. […]
Good thing the pandemic’s over or else I’d worry about this shortage of children’s medicine! (Funny story – we’re out of kids’ meds at home too and Sasha’s been sick a lot lately so Shea asked the pharmacist and managed to snag a mini-bottle of kids’ Tylenol. Then we got home and didn’t see it […]
Hard to believe that two and a half years into the Covid pandemic, I’m debating whether to make a round-up of recent news and observations a weekly feature on this blog. Why Are Hospitals Overwhelmed (Spoiler: Lots of Reasons) Why are hospitals in Edmonton/Alberta so overwhelmed? I am going to turn to the data for […]
One of the questions I answer in my annual “End of Year” meme questionnaire is “What kept you sane this year?” It’s a bit early but it’s been a rough year (and a very rough month) for a variety of reasons I may or may not expand on someday. But anyhow, I thought I’d post […]
It’s a very informal sample but through social media posts, talking to work colleagues and other family and friends, I’ve noticed a big increase in the “I’ve avoided it for 2.5 years but it finally got me” reports of people getting Covid. Our family is no exception – after two and a half years where, […]