Category Archives: Sad

Music Monday – “He walks down to the ocean/Bends to touch the water/Kneels to pray/He writes her name/In the sand/Waves wash it away”

“Waves” – Sam Baker

Friday Fun Link – Fuck Professionalism: Creating A Workplace That Works For All

So much of what we’re taught to believe from our earliest days, by our parents, by our schools, by popular culture, is outdated, incorrect and potentially even harmful such as the notion of “professionalism“.

Music Monday – “What would you say/If I took those words away?/Then you couldn’t make things new/Just by saying ‘I love you'”

It’s always ironic than when my life is the busiest – work, home, family – both immediate and extended, camping, volunteer stuff, medical appointments, helping my parents, etc. etc. etc. – is when I’m most likely to end up not doing daily blog posts (I frequently miss a day but then do it the following […]

Biggest Challenge: “We’re a small city with a relatively big stadium.”

Yes.  This is quite the challenge we face here in our little prairie city that’s run by people who want to pretend we’re a much bigger city like Calgary or Edmonton or Winnipeg so they push to build giant state-of-the art arenas.  And ball stadiums.  And the best football stadium in the country while showing […]

Secular Sunday – Indian Couple Commits Ritual Double Beheading

Music Monday – “Experience Regina” (Well, It Was An Experience To Be in Regina This Weekend Anyhow!)

“Experience Regina” Parody (Watch It To See Some of Regina’s “Highlights”) You may have heard that Tourism Regina recently rebranded. It started with a teaser clip and message on social media at the start of March: It’s All Happening… Let’s push the narrative; the same old is boring. Our city is changing, and that means […]

Covid News and Research Round-Up

Random thoughts: * Covid isn’t over even if people are acting as if it is. * I don’t think its fear-mongering/living in fear to pay attention to what is being reported by scientists, medical professionals and others. * I have a pet peeve with people who say “My Covid was mild” which I hear as […]

RIP Uncle Stan Nagatani (1940-2022) (and a list of strangely positive things to come out of Covid)

Believe it or not, there have been a few good things to come out of Covid. Here’s a few… * greater acceptance of work-from-home in many sectors * I’d say that it’s caused many people to reassess their work-life balance * many people are also saving money by going out less for restaurants, entertainment, shopping. […]

Tuneful Tuesday – “It’s these little things, they can pull you under/Live your life filled with joy and wonder/I always knew this altogether thunder/Was lost in our little lives”

“Sweetness Follows” – R.E.M.

Secular Sunday – “And then Jesus said unto his disciples…sorry, wrong jurisdiction.”

I honestly sometimes don’t understand humanity – there are people living in tents in frigid weather and freezing to death in the streets and our decision makers, a number of whom claim to be Christians, could use their power to try to do…anything…but then they don’t. Uhm, Merry Christmas everybody? And then Jesus said unto […]