Category Archives: Sad

Secular Sunday – God Works in Mysterious Ways

This is probably too soon and I’m going to burn in hell for saying it. But if you’re religious, you probably think 45 pilgrims dying and one 8-year old girl surviving means that little girl is blessed by god and not that there is no god (or if there is, he doesn’t really interact in […]

How FIVE BILLION Pounds of Trash Powers Las Vegas

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – First Dementia Signs (February 2018)

One good thing about being an obsessive journal keeper since right around the time I graduated high school (and that those journals, started in WordPerfect, have now all been digitized and are completely searchable.) So that’s how I know that the very first reference I made to my mom showing signs of dementia was in […]

What Are The Stages of Dementia?

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – For Weddings and a Funeral (August 2008)

Hard to believe that fifteen years ago we were at Shea’s cousin’s wedding and took this photo of three girls (also cousins) she’d basically raised from babies with our baby. Sadly, the last time we would see the sister on the left was at the sister on the right’s wedding earlier this summer.  She was […]

Are We (Finally) Coming Out of Covid? Probably Not But Also Maybe?

I haven’t written a lot about Covid lately but it’s interesting to reflect on how our attitudes and therefore, our language, changes. For instance, I have started saying “Coming out of Covid” to refer to our current situation and as a reflection of what I see in wider society – very little masking (including myself […]

Music Monday – “We watched our friends grow up together/And we saw them as they fell/Some of them fell into Heaven/Some of them fell into Hell” (RIP Shane MacGowan: 1957-2023)

RIP to the only performer that ever scared the shit out of me when he appeared on SNL in the early to mid 1990’s.  And what a performer he was! “A Rainy Night in Soho” – The Pogues And at this time of year, I have to mention the greatest Christmas song of all-time… “Fairytale […]

Wisdom Wednesday – Culture Eats Strategy For Lunch

I first heard this advice years ago when I was still in the role of Organization Development Specialist at Regina Public Library. In hindsight, I don’t think I appreciated what an amazing job that was to have right at the start of my library career. Our Director (still the same guy all these years later) […]

Saturday Snap – Small Town Funeral

I wish there was a better way to get the best tasting egg salad sandwiches on the planet.

Music Monday – “Lord, make me a rainbow, I’ll shine down on my mother/She’ll know I’m safe with you when she stands under my colors”

“If I Die Young” – Band Perry