Category Archives: Sad

Secular Sunday – Who Do American Evangelicals Really Worship?

Saturday Snap – Mark Black Farewell Party

Had a farewell party for a popular manager on Saturday night and the outpouring of love, generosity and sadness was beyond unprecedented in my 15+ years at RPL. In-scope staff donated so much money to a farewell gift that he ended up getting multiple things – a custom photo book, a custom Pats jersey, and […]

Throwback Thursday – Cuban Homes (Jan 2016)

Photo taken from the tourist bus leaving the ritzy tourist all-inclusive…

Music Monday – “Thinkin’ about the records/Daddy used to play/While we opened our presents/On Christmas day.”

“Truck Stop Christmas” – Grace Askew

Wisdom Wednesday – Kindness Isn’t About Individuals, It’s About Culture

A way to change your frame – “kindness isn’t about individuals, it’s about the wider workplace culture.” Ask yourself – is your organization led by people who are kind or not?  Is this a common trait that is exhibited by all managers?  If one manager leaves, do a huge majority of staff lament the loss […]

Music Monday – “So I’ll go but I’m telling you/I don’t wanna go/Could be stuck here and happy/So there’s a puzzle I work on endlessly/And I’ve got the sides and all the corners/But there’s a space/Yeah there’s a space/Lost some pieces I can’t replace/So I’ll be but I’m telling you/I don’t wanna be/Just a wasted puzzle piece”

I posted this song in August 2012 after hearing it on Community Radio one morning.  Who knew that twelve years later, it would be so relevant to my life with elderly parents including one with dementia… “Basket” – Dan Mangan (I don’t think I’ve ever done this before but here are the song lyrics in […]

Saturday Snap – Batman Smells?

Even with her dementia, my mom’s personality is still there – humourous, profane, caring and kind. I like nothing more than making her laugh and as much as the dementia has taken from her (and us), the disease has also made me love her more than I ever have. (Here’s her reaction to my “Robots […]

There Ain’t No “You” In “United Health” – Jesse Welles

Not going to wait for Music Monday to post this – so good and timely.  

Secular Sunday – Hiding Anne Frank in Trump’s America?

Music Monday – “The winds have blown over the ocean/The winds have blown over the sea/The winds have blown over the ocean/And brought back my Bonnie to me”

“My Bonnie” – John McDermott (Fun Fact – we don’t get many celebrity sightings in Regina but I saw John McDermott in the lobby of the Hotel Sask in Regina one year around Christmas when he was in town for a concert!)