Category Archives: Politics

Music Monday – “Well, I’ve been selling my soul/Working all day/Overtime hours/For bullshit pay”

This song went mega-viral recently, becoming the first song to ever debut at #1 on the Billboard charts by an artist with no other previous charting songs. There was controversy about the writers’ intentions and politics, up to and including it even being played during a GOP debate! “Rich Men North of Richmond” – Oliver […]

Sunset (or Sunrise?)

My last post was August 21 when I said I was going to try to get back to (roughly) daily blog posts after a summer of holidays and other distractions. Then I promptly didn’t post again for nearly two more weeks until today. Lots I could write, lots of navel-gazing about why I (still) have […]

Submarine Billionaires

Not to mention the insane wastefulness of spending $250,000 for a five-minute glimpse of the Titanic.  Imagine the good that money could’ve done otherwise.  Or contrast the media attention and “all hands on deck” search and rescue operation which was basically guaranteed to be futile while boatloads of refugees are ignored completely. Guess what?  I […]

Secular Sunday – “The most unthinking among us…who would invade our schools and libraries and homes. I personally resent it bitterly.”

Secular Sunday – The Original Drag Queen Storytime?

“Except he’s the most terrifying cishet looking white guy I’ve ever laid eyes on.”

Biggest Challenge: “We’re a small city with a relatively big stadium.”

Yes.  This is quite the challenge we face here in our little prairie city that’s run by people who want to pretend we’re a much bigger city like Calgary or Edmonton or Winnipeg so they push to build giant state-of-the art arenas.  And ball stadiums.  And the best football stadium in the country while showing […]

Secular Sunday – “Indiana public librarians forced to remove half the books in the teen section as demanded by unelected library board including a pro-book banning pastor”

Just as we watched drug poisonings and Narcan training spread across American libraries before becoming more common in Canada, I suspect religiously-motivated book banning requests (and religious board members being even more activist in trying to direct library’s directions, not just individual books) is the next thing American libraries will export to Canada. (via r/atheism)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Drop Everything And Read, Regina Coronation Park (April 2017) #skpoli

By most accounts, Sask Party MLA Mark Docherty was a decent dude. I know I always enjoyed my interactions with him – when he would come to the library I was working at for events or programs or when I would bump into him at community events or whatever. Given his background and resume, I’ve […]

Secular Sunday – He/Him Is Risen

It is absolutely [chef’s kiss.gif] that this writer for Briarpatch chooses to announce they are trans, their name is now Alex, and they are using he/him pronouns while using #HeIsRisen as a hashtag on Easter Sunday. Long time Birrellheads may have noticed that my byline has changed. This is because I'm trans! I'm using he/him […]