Category Archives: Photo

Saturday Snap – This snow fort is 1970s approved…

…but not so sure it’s 2020s approved! 😉 Getting an inspection from mom.. Snack packs at the ready (hot chocolate to come later!)…

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Get the Shot! (December 2009)

At a Christmas party one of Shea’s nursing colleagues hosted in 2009, one feature was pre-made alcohol shots in syringes. Little did we know how much “get the shot” would change in meaning a decade later!  ?

Saturday Snap – Why Does Our Fence Lean Inward?

When we bought our house a couple years ago, we noticed a slight inward lean to the fence. I didn’t think anything of it but after a couple winters, I realise it’s probably because *all the snow* from the green space behind our house (note the grass showing in patches further out!) likes to blow […]

I’ve Heard of Different Bra Sizes But N95 is Ridiculous!

My co-worker observed that the two masks laying on my desk at work looked like a bra and she wasn’t wrong. 😉

Saturday Snap – Made It To Midnight!

If I was taking bets on who wouldn’t make it to midnight, it’d be Shea or I before these two! 😉

Secular Sunday – Boxing Day is Arguably The Original Secular Holiday

The origins of the day are uncertain – is it when wealthy gave their servants a box of gifts and a day off to enjoy them after a busy Christmas season?  Churches placing boxes outside to collect money for the less fortunate? – but it’s pretty clear that Boxing Day has become one of society’s […]

Saturday Snap – …And To All, A Good Night!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Christmas Tree (Dec 2014)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Candy Cane Cast (November 2009)

Sometimes I forget how popular the online photo sharing site, Flickr used to be in the day (it was Instgram before Instagram, kids!) But the other day, someone “Favourited” this pic on the site and getting that notification reminded me how Flickr was my “go to” for looking at/sharing online photos for many years and […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Death Star or Christmas Star? (December 2020)

Saw this cool projection on a house in the neighbourhood last year…