Category Archives: List

What’s The One Book You’ve Recommended To People More Than Any Other Over The Past 10 Years?

I love threads like this… What’s the one book you’ve recommended to people more than any other over the past 10 years? — Adrienne LaFrance (@AdrienneLaF) August 17, 2022 (I’m not sure what my answer would be – maybe “The Road” by Cormac McCarthy for fiction and “A Brief History of (Nearly) Everything” by Bill […]

Who Makes The Best Public Library Workers?

A couple recent conversations with different colleagues has inspired a patented Headtale listicle…namely, what are some things that make a good library worker? 1. Someone who grew up listening to/playing/being part of the punk rock scene.  *Every* person I know who fits this description has been an *amazing* library worker. 2. Someone who grew up […]

The Health Benefits of Camping

The points in this video are all very true about the benefits of camping – more exercise, fresh air, better sleep, less electronics, etc. etc. – but I could probably do a list of the reasons camping (at least how we do it) isn’t as healthy! From drinking Bailey’s with your morning coffee (and more […]

Friday Fun Link – 2022 Sask Book Awards Shortlist Announcement

I wasn’t able to pop over for the live announcement like I usually do (and with current Covid stats in Sakatchewan, maybe that’s okay too?) But nice to have an archived livestream of this year’s SBA shortlist announcement…

Video of Multi-Vehicle Pileup in Pennsylvania (and My Most Scary Winter Drives)

This happened on Interstate 81 in Pennsylvania today — ?_ Imposter_? (@Imposter_Edits) March 28, 2022 This video clip is insane (and sad – apparently five people died as a result of this multi-car pile-up in Pennsylvania when a snow squall blew in suddenly.) Growing up in Saskatchewan, I’ve had my share of scary winter […]

Secular Sunday – Diseases Eradicated By Science vs. Prayer

DISEASES ERADICATED OR DECIMATED BY SCIENCE: 1. Chickenpox2. Diphtheria 3. Measles 4. Pertussis5. Pneumococcal Infection6. Polio7. Tetanus8. Typhoid9. Yellow Fever10. Smallpox DISEASES ERADICATED OR DECIMATED BY PRAYER: 1.2. 3. — Andrea Junker (@Strandjunker) December 27, 2021    

Friday Fun Link – The Best Cover of Every Beatles Song

Is there another band that’s had every song across their entire discography covered completely by other artists? Impossible to post a single favourite… A classic Beatles tune… This song has been covered 2200 times and they picked one of the best covers… An East Indian band via the UK reclaims the sitar (and the language!)… […]

35 Things That Happened in the Weeks Before the Pandemic Hit

As we move into the second anniversary month of the Covid-19 pandemic affecting the entire world, BuzzFeed has our backs with a list of “35 Things That Happened in The Weeks Right Before The Pandemic Hit That Will Make You Question Time, Space and Reality“

Friday Funk Link – 10 Ways To Make A Winter Trip to West Edmonton Mall Feel Like A Tropical Vacation

Contrary to the impression you might get from some western Premiers, the Covid pandemic is not over. But with vaccinations and boosters also being increasingly common, we’re all slowly returning to “normal” (whatever that is.) Shea and I weren’t quite ready to book an out-of-country hot holiday as that leads to all sorts of other […]

How Non-Librarians Imagine A Librarian’s Typical Work Day

From McSweeney’s…