Category Archives: List

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT 4: An Overview of its Amazing Capabilities

As the latest version of the GPT series, ChatGPT 4 is an advanced artificial intelligence language model that offers incredible capabilities to streamline content creation. It is a powerful tool that can help you generate high-quality content, simplify the content creation process, and personalize content for your audience. Let’s take a closer look at some […]

Covid Is Not “Over” (And It Never Will Be) But…

…there are signs that, for myself personally, it’s in a different phase compared to the heights of masking/social distancing/rapid testing that have been much of my (and society’s) approach for the past three years. * I mostly mask when in crowds and/or as a sign of respect and understanding if I’m interacting with someone who’s […]

10 Best Things About Our New Dog (Sarcastic Version)

Regularly embarrasses us by refusing to listen at obedience class (the instructor pictured above is awesome though!) Waking us up at 5am most days Costing us a ton of money since somebody (okay, it’s me) can’t resist buying him a new toy every time I go to the store Happily joining Shea or I in […]

Music Monday – “It’s knowing that this can’t go on forever/Likely one of us will have to spend some days alone/Maybe we’ll get forty years together/But one day I’ll be gone/Or one day you’ll be gone”

I’ve told the story on this blog a few times before how Shea and I technically got married three times (with the related joke that most men can’t keep track of one anniversary and I have to remember three.  Or, flipping that, I have three chances to remember it!) To recap… Our Three Weddings * Feb […]

Secular Sunday – 10 Things This Atheist Worships

If not a deity, what else do I have incredible reverence for? My Family All Aspects of Science All Aspects of Technology The Human Brain Books of All Kinds Incredible Athletes/Athletic Performances Amazing Musicianship Humanity In All Its Crazy Glory Nature In All Its Infinite Variety But more specially, The Beach And more specifically than […]

Friday Fun Link – All The Beatles’ Songs From Least to Most Played on Spotify

Covid News and Research Round-Up

Random thoughts: * Covid isn’t over even if people are acting as if it is. * I don’t think its fear-mongering/living in fear to pay attention to what is being reported by scientists, medical professionals and others. * I have a pet peeve with people who say “My Covid was mild” which I hear as […]

Friday Fun Link – How Every NHL Team Was Named

RIP Uncle Stan Nagatani (1940-2022) (and a list of strangely positive things to come out of Covid)

Believe it or not, there have been a few good things to come out of Covid. Here’s a few… * greater acceptance of work-from-home in many sectors * I’d say that it’s caused many people to reassess their work-life balance * many people are also saving money by going out less for restaurants, entertainment, shopping. […]

Friday Fun Link – 10 Little Known Web Sites That Will Give You Superpowers

There are over a billion websites on the internet, yet most people never use more than a dozen. Here are 10 little-known websites that give you superpowers. Thread: — Gurwinder (@G_S_Bhogal) December 22, 2022