Category Archives: LibrarySchool

Goodbye to Our Babysitter (and Some Thoughts On A Lucky Life)

When I did my ten part series on the things that have been major factors in making me who I am today, I thought about finishing with a post about a few things – liberals tend to think in terms of “privilege”, right wingers might think of it as “hard work”, the superstitious might just […]

Throwback Thursday – The Name Tag Makes It Official? (June 2006)

While i was doing my Master’s program in London, ON, I went in to Toronto to attend BookExpo Canada. I wasn’t done my program but this might have been the first time I was referred to as a “Librarian” in any sort of semi-official capacity.

Friday Fun Link – Dubai Fireworks (Full)

I’m sure I’ve mentioned before that my highest mark for a presentation in library school was one I did that was actually in a journalism class. My presentation was about online video and how it allows you to transcend both space and time in a way that other previous media (television, radio, etc.) couldn’t. This video from […]

Some Thoughts on the Changing Nature of Intellectual Freedom In Librarianship (Maybe?), The “Neutrality” Thing, and How I Sometimes Feel Like My Grandpa Missing The Boat on Elvis

So I recently got tagged on Twitter by a librarian colleague in Saskatoon (who is both a Mover and a Shaker!) asking if I (and a few other online librarian-types) had any thoughts on the changing view of intellectual freedom within the profession, especially in light of wider changes in society which I took to […]

Throwback Thursday – A Different Kind of Church (April 2007)

In my first librarian job, my boss and I had the opportunity to oversee the move of a crowded small town library into a soon-to-be-vacated nearby church. This photo was during our first visit to the church to see if it would be a workable space once all the pews and other church holdings were […]

Thanksgiving Closing Hours for Canadian Public Libraries

A few years back, I did a post where I researched the closing times for various Canadian libraries on Christmas Eve day. Of course Christmas Eve is not an “official” stat holiday but it’s still a day that many workplaces (not just libraries) recognize as a slow time and/or a good time to close early […]

#yqr Toilet A Top Tourist Attraction

There was a time, shortly after I graduated from my MLIS program, where I seriously thought about putting together a presentation about the importance of the public washrooms in libraries – from making the entire library as a welcoming space for the widest variety of people to being a great way to promote programs to […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My Only Ontario Vote (November 2006) #ElectionDay #OntarioVotes2018 #onpooli

With the Ontario provincial election happening today, I’m reminded of the time I unexpectedly got to vote in that province. It was while I was at Western completing my Master’s of Library Science degree and it happened during a federal byelection in London North-Centre which featured Elizabeth May parachuting in to try to win the […]

Music Monday – “Pushed around and kicked around/Always a lonely boy/You were the one that they’d talk about around town as they put you down”

I had the day off so decided to pop out to Congress at the U of R. It was a great day going through the Exhibitors’ Hall catching up with some publishers I knew from my days in that world, meeting some new publishers, talking to authors and so on. Since I rarely get out […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Moving Home (Dec 20, 2006)

A selection of the boxes we shipped home from Ontario after I completed my MLIS…