Category Archives: Library

Bosses Who Mask When In The Presence of Others

This week might have to be a “Leadership” theme… ‘Bosses’ who mask when in the presence of others demonstrate:•evidence-based decision-making;•respect for their employees;•that they understand their influence; and•very good leadership. — Dr. Jennifer Irwin (@drjenirwin) October 25, 2022  


Leadership, both as a research area and as a practical skill, encompasses the ability of an individual, group or organization to “lead”, influence or guide other individuals, teams, or entire organizations. – Wikipedia 

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Feeling Sick? Stay Home! (June 2020)

Saturday Snap – Regina Public Library Central Library

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – EPL vs. CPL (Aug 2019, Feb 2022)

I’ve had the pleasure of visiting both the newly built Calgary Public Library Central Branch (in 2019) and newly-refurbished Edmonton Public Library (in 2022). And you know what? Newly built or refurbished, both are incredible libraries in their own ways with the main thing they have in common is both cities embracing the value of […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – One Year Ago Today (September 2021)

It’s always amazing to think about how much the world can change in a single year…

Who Makes The Best Public Library Workers?

A couple recent conversations with different colleagues has inspired a patented Headtale listicle…namely, what are some things that make a good library worker? 1. Someone who grew up listening to/playing/being part of the punk rock scene.  *Every* person I know who fits this description has been an *amazing* library worker. 2. Someone who grew up […]

Throwback Thursday – Putting A Stamp On One Of My Most Memorable Library Moments (Sometime In Late 2021)

I’ve been fortunate to have all sorts of happy, sad, and memorable moments working in the library over the years. One of the most unique was helping a couple family members of Metis Leader, Harry Daniels, who fought to have his people included in the Canadian Constitution, come into the library to print a proof […]

CTV Announces Library Themed Sitcom

I’m pretty sure every librarian (including me!) has thought “Why has no one made a TV show set in a library? Boy, people would sure be surprised that we don’t just circulate books but there are wacky staff!  Buffoonish managers!  Silly patrons!  And lots and lots of overdoses. High-larious!” Well, now we’re getting our wish.  […]

Friday Fun Link – How Serial Killers Trap Librarians