Category Archives: Library

Saturday Snap – Libraries Distributing Rapid Tests

Not my usual “Saturday Snap” photo today but instead, a screen shot of someone on Reddit saying they had a good experience at my branch getting their booster shot and also picking up a box of rapid tests. So strange to hear stories from Ontario of people lining up at liquor stores or other weird […]

Early Christmas Present!

Pretty hard to wrap a cabinet this size so I got to “open” an early Christmas gift tonight. Library nerd heaven! 🙂

Secular Sunday – Secular Atheist Train Conductor Wins Wrongful Dismissal Claim After Being Fired For Social Media Post

I’ve been thinking about writing a longer post with some thought about how people’s personal social media (and blog?!?) posts are increasingly having repercussions on their work life. This was especially relevant after the Sask Health Association sent out some fairly chilling messages to staff who were posting thoughts/opinions/information about Covid a few months ago. […]

Friday Fun Link – Some “Other Duties As Assigned” Library Stories

A recent FB post by someone doing a presentation at a library conference asked for good “Other Duties As Assigned” stories.   A real mix of cool, gross and sad and pretty much everything in between as you’d expect. (I did my own list of these types of experiences a few years ago but its’ probably […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – There Are Many Reasons I Became a Librarian…

…my grandma having this set of very unique books, The Richards Topical Encyclopedia in her sun room is one of them! One of my pet theories is that most professions require extremely specialized knowledge – heart surgeon, carpenter, PhD researcher, appliance repair person. Librarian is one of a very few (teacher? politician?) professions where being […]

Friday Fun Link – The Literature Clock

This site is pretty cool – it tells you the time by showing a quote from a book that happens to reference whatever time it is at the moment…      

Music Monday – “This is where we test out our replacement needs/This is where we’re knitting mitts for refugees/This is where we medicate in bathroom stalls/This is where we call home from a payphone down the hall”

On Feb 25, 2019, Winnipeg’s Millennium Library installed airport-style security screening. This led to a massive drop in attendance. Many no longer feel welcome in this free public space. Community group Millennium for All is fighting for welcoming, just, accessible and fully funded libraries. “Millennium For All” – John K. Samson

Saturday Snap – #SaturdayLibrarian x2

Had a helper pop in and pick out a few books after her art class today while I was being #SaturdayLibrarian…

Inscription in Terry Fox Biography

I found this inscription by Terry Fox’s mom in a book in the Carnduff Public Library when I worked for Southeast Regional Library. Thought it was appropriate to post since today is the 2021 Terry Fox Run. And as a strong NDP supporter, I’m glad Tommy Douglas won CBC’s “Greatest Canadian”.  But if I had […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Making a Difference at the Library (May 2021)

“He likes repetition,” she said. “So it’s like ‘yea you were just at the library to visit Jason, and you got to see Cheri, and Shirley gave you the hand stamp. There’s a real connection there that’s vital to him.’” Brandon was a child of the system who was put into foster care at the […]