We were lucky that Shea is a nurse as we got early access to rapid tests before they were widely distributed to the general public. No way to know for sure but I feel like that was part of why we may have been able to avoid Covid as long as we did – anytime […]
This ties into the post I did last week about Rock Stars, Rock Steadies, and Rock Bottoms. As a leader, important to regularly assess if you’re punishing your rock stars for being so good at their job (and maybe ask colleagues too as we all have our blind spots.)
I was recently out for supper with a bunch of friends including one high level manager who oversees a Canada-wide IT team for a large corporation. It was interesting to compare notes about our workplaces. He said he is all about high performers and strongly believes in performance management, expecting high results but also rewarding […]
Been thinking about this a bit lately in a variety of ways – the “controversy” over gender fluidity/Drag Queen storytimes/”grooming”, the notion of what constitutes “professionalism” as I wear jeans and a t-shirt to work every day while having the most rat-nesty beard this side of Santa Claus, and then the above thought I saw […]
This isn’t really advice I was given by someone but more of a personal observation I’ve made after seeing it repeatedly over the years. Whenever there is something decided, especially when its some sort of major decision, there’s usually an overt reason people give for the decision but also a covert reason they may or […]
Yesterday’s post got me a bit nostalgic for the HR Unit I was part of for the first few years of my career at RPL – what a great team!
I first heard this advice years ago when I was still in the role of Organization Development Specialist at Regina Public Library. In hindsight, I don’t think I appreciated what an amazing job that was to have right at the start of my library career. Our Director (still the same guy all these years later) […]
A guy I went to school with got a game published in Compute! magazine in the late 90’s (and got a $500 payday or something wild). These were the days were the code was printed in the magazine and you had to manually enter it to play the game. (I still remember my Grade Six […]
A long time ago, a colleague gave me a way to think of hiring that totally changed how I view the process of selecting a candidate. Before, I was just thinking “Who can best do this job?” but he pointed out that you’re not just hiring the person for the immediate job but potentially for […]
In my Wisdom Wednesday series, I’ll eventually do a post about the difference I see between what I call “black & white” thinkers and “grey area” thinkers. (Myers-Briggs has 16 classifications. True Colors has 4. Hamology basically only has 2!) One big aspect of this difference is that are those who think there are hard […]