Category Archives: Jobs

107 Year Old Irish Farmer Reflects on Changes He’s Seen (1967 Interview)

The single best presentation I did in library school was on the evolution of streaming video online and how it’s biggest benefit was how online video eliminates constraints of both time and distance that all previous dominant mass communications mediums – radio, television – suffered from. Like most 70s kids, I was pretty obsessed with […]

Amazon Prime Is An Economy-Distorting Lie

I’m trying as hard as I can to avoid buying from Amazon as I’ve grown to *really* dislike their business practices – from how they treat workers to resellers engaging in fraud to simply the fact that Jeff Bezos does not need one more penny of my money. I mean, Wal-Mart is a shitty employer […]

“The ranting and raving you see in these videos shows they have good lung capacity.”

“There are legitimate medical exemptions but if someone requires a mask exemption, that usually means they are at high risk of Covid and I counsel them to not to go out in public without a mask and instead, have someone assist you – a family member or caregiver if possible…Some doctors will feel pressured to […]

Secular Sunday – 10 Most Shocking Religious Scandals

(Honestly, none of these shock me in the least!) 😉

20 Signs You Have A Good Boss

The importance of good bosses can’t be overstated. RPL has had a number of people in supervisory/management positions over the dozen or so years I’ve been there and I would say I’ve honestly seen both the best and the worst in terms of how they approach supervising other people. Here is just.a sample of the […]

Who Should Be Vaccinated First? #skpoli

Today we announced the expansion of our #COVID19SK vaccine delivery plan to target remaining healthcare workers, first responders and staff working in pharmacies and grocery facilities. You can learn more by visiting — Government of Saskatchewan (@SKGov) April 12, 2021   There has been a lot of debate about the most effective order […]

RIP Mick Burrs (Steven Michael Berzensky) 1940-2021

PICTURES OF THE DEAD (from “Dark Halo”) The dead leave us only images of themselves: souvenirs in washed out colours, dried petals pressed in family albums, shadows that stain our papered walls.  They abandon us in our rooms, teach us how to converse with dust, will not let us forget them. But in our glistening reeds […]

Friday Fun Link – How Much Do Musicians Make From Streaming?

Not “really” fun, especially if you’re a musician, but this tool is definitely interesting to estimate how much musicians gets compensated for their streaming music and how the amounts differ depending on the service.

Friday Fun Link – The Jeopardy Archive

A comprehensive archive of every question ever in the history of Jeopardy is nerd-paradise. (Librarians are 14th in lifetime winnings by career-type though I’d like to see this graph on a per capita basis too.)

Saturday Snap – Checkin’ Fluids`