Category Archives: Internet

Introducing Apple Vision Pro

My Apple stocks are either going to sky rocket or crash hard on this news! 😉 If your promotional video is indistinguishable from something you'd see in a particularly dystopian episode of Black Mirror, maybe time to reconsider? — stephensben at bluesky (@stephens_ben) June 5, 2023

Friday Fun Link – Sing A Note

Can’t find it now but whoever posted this (likely on Reddit?) said this reminds them of the random silly amazingness of the early days of the Internet before a handful of tech giants controlled pretty much all content and discourse (and yes, I know there’s irony saying that since this is a YouTube video!)

Friday Fun Link – The Scientific Case For Two Spaces After A Period

This.  Is.  Vindication.  For Myself.  And everyone.  Who took.  Typing.  On a manual typewriter.  In grade 10.  In 1989. (Even Google agrees!) Google Translate puts two spaces after the end of a sentence by inmildlyinfuriating There might even be a free speech argument for two spaces after a period?!?      

Big AI Announcements From TikTok, Boston Dynamics, RepLit, Apple

Big announcements in the world of AI today from TikTok, Boston Dynamics, Replit, and Apple. Here's the rundown on everything you need to know: — Rowan Cheung (@rowancheung) April 27, 2023

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My First Gmail Message (June 2004)

Not sure how I stumbled upon this but poking around my Gmail account recently (which I have used since day one as my secondary account for entering contests, subscribing to newsletters I’ll never read and generally trying to target spam there so rarely look at it), I found the first message I ever sent to […]

Artificial Intelligence Charlie Echo Versus The Real Thing

Back in December, I was playing with AI generated images and Sasha suggested “Charlie in the Snow.” This is one of the images it came up with and it felt appropriate today with the late April snowstorm we’re enduring… I didn’t get any pics today (kids took him out walking tonight instead of Shea or […]

My Childhood Best Friend Wins $55 Million! (Well, A Guy I Kinda Sorta Remember Anyhow)

Okay, maybe he wasn’t my childhood best friend but he was somebody from my hometown whose family and mine did do stuff together occasionally before they moved to BC. But I should back-up… I still distinctly remember a conversation when I worked for the Sask Publishers Group around 20 years ago when we were chatting […]

Charlie-Related Google Searches

Since we got Charlie, Google has been our constant source of tips, information and reassurances.  Here’s a sample of some of our Charlie-related searches: “How long do puppies sleep at night?” “Can dogs eat strawberries/celery/tomatoes/raw meat/noodles/potato chips/jalapenos/rice/pancakes/potatoes, etc. etc.” “Why do dogs like to eat Kleenex?” “What is a natural laxative for dogs?” “Do dogs […]

Did You Know My Post Yesterday, Words and Graphic, Was Fully Generated By Artificial Intelligence?

Okay, I had to put the prompt into Chat GPT4 and copy it into my WordPress dashboard and press “Publish” and I also told a program to generate a picture of a humanistic robot typing. But beyond that? Every word of yesterday’s post was generated by artificial intelligence after I told it: “write a blog […]

Unleashing the Power of ChatGPT 4: An Overview of its Amazing Capabilities

As the latest version of the GPT series, ChatGPT 4 is an advanced artificial intelligence language model that offers incredible capabilities to streamline content creation. It is a powerful tool that can help you generate high-quality content, simplify the content creation process, and personalize content for your audience. Let’s take a closer look at some […]