The best part of seeing a big tentpole movie on opening weekend is that you can go on the Internet again without fear of seeing SPOILERS:
A designer reimagines how various popular web sites would look as 1980’s gadgets.
Had a scary moment this morning when my laptop wouldn’t charge and even crashed a couple times when I tried to get it working. But luckily it appears that my charging block had simply stopped working and a new one seems to have things running smoothly again (considering I’m still running a 2011-era MacBook Pro […]
Did I ever post this? It’s a classic…
This is a pretty interesting Wikipedia article. Also, the news has picked up on the story of one guy who’s apparently edited 1/3 of Wikipedia’s millions of articles and created 35,000 original articles.
So you may have heard that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had an “embarrassing” video of her dancing in a college video (which, in turn was a remake of an earlier mash-up) highlighted recently but that it didn’t go as well as the anonymous right-wing troll who tweeted it had hoped. Unsurprisingly, instead of embarrassment and scorn, […]
If you’re looking for an alternative to the ubiquitous yule log channels/videos at this time of year, try “Shit Fireplace” (and I’m proud to say the co-creator of these videos is a colleague at RPL!)
Reddit has a sub-Reddit called /r/ExplainLikeImFive where the goal is to convey complex ideas in a way that even a child (or a typical Redditor?) can understand. Someone compiled some of the best explanations the site has provided in a single post.
I’ve been tracking my music listening habits online via since 2005. It’s not like I look at my account daily but tonight, I realised that had stopped scrobbling (that’s the term for when any site that I listen to music on – Deezer, YouTube, etc. – sending the name of the song […]
As I type this, Democrats have a 75% chance of taking the House of Representatives and a 20% chance of taking the Senate in the US midterm elections which happen in just under a month. In the wake of the Brett Kavanaugh decision, here’s hoping that women (and men who recognize the injustice that was done […]