.@aoc_dances Is My New Favourite Twitter Account Today

So you may have heard that Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had an “embarrassing” video of her dancing in a college video (which, in turn was a remake of an earlier mash-up) highlighted recently but that it didn’t go as well as the anonymous right-wing troll who tweeted it had hoped.

Unsurprisingly, instead of embarrassment and scorn, people thought it made Ocasio-Cortez relatable, engaging and <gasp> fun.

Now, a Twitter account has sprung up which features further mash-ups of a brief 30-second clip of Cortez doing her same dance moves to everything from David Bowie to Taylor Swift to Pulp to Rick Astley (of course!)

As always, Metafilter has lots of great insight and commentary including a new-to-me term (neme or “nuclear meme” which a meme that backfires), why AOC resonates with millennials and why older conservatives don’t get it, the role of mash-up culture in the meme wars and the use of anonymous trolling in politics in general.

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