Category Archives: Humour

Saturday Snap – Our House Is Smarter Than We Are!

Had a technician out to do some upgrading to our Internet service and he laughed and said we had more connected devices than any house he’s ever seen!

Music Monday – “Carve the Turkey/Turn the ball game on/Mix margaritas when the egg-nog’s gone Send somebody to the Quickpak Store/We need some ice and an extension cord”

More than ever before, feel unbelievably fortunate to have all four grandparents joining us for Christmas this year… “Merry Christmas From the Family” – Cody Cannon

Saturday Snap – Dancing at Rory Allen

Fun night with my mom and dad at Rory Allen’s Christmas show last night…

Wisdom Wednesday – “You’re being incredibly unreasonable and someone needs to take the stick out of your ass.”

Little break from my usual rambles about management theory to share a TikTok my wife sent me. It’s the hilarious story of a boss who totally overreacts and makes a bigger deal than needed out of an employee being late due to a flat tire.  Absolutely hilarious and the person who made this TikTok nailed […]

There Are Two NHL Teams Without Prospect Representation At The World Junior Championships…

There are two NHL teams with no prospect representation at the World Junior Championships. The Edmonton Oilers and Colorado Avalanche. #WorldJuniors — Tony Ferrari (@theTonyFerrari) December 19, 2023

Secular Sunday – Some Insight Into the Thinking of Fundamentalist Christians

Some big assumptions in this person’s tweet but still frightening that people think like this.  (via Reddit)

Saturday Snap – Elfie! #yqr

Took Sasha and a friend to see “Elf” at the recently reopened Moonlight Cinemas (formerly Rainbow Cinemas.). Three bucks for a weekend matinee ticket – are you kidding me???

Saturday Snap – If You Won’t Give Me A Treat…

…I’ll get my own!

Saturday Snap – Tough Day at the Office!

Been sick the past couple days but dragged my ass into work as I had a big event on.  I texted Shea to ask if she was going to bring the kids and she replied “I feel like absolute crap. I did a Covid test and it negative but I feel like I was hit […]

Saturday Snap – IPA (Imbibing Puppy Ale?)