Monthly Archives September 2024

Wisdom Wednesday – How To Start Every Work Meeting…

@adamfrith_ Amen ? #animation #funny #foryou #fyp ? original sound – Dustin Nickerson

“Say It To My Face”

No bully likes when you stand up to them… People from the far-right group that disrupted the Terry Fox ceremony this morning just got into an altercation with Jagmeet Singh One guy calls Singh a “corrupted bastard.” Singh asks him to say it to his face. The guy lies and denies saying it, despite video […]

Music Monday – Living Colour/Extreme Double Bill at Casino Regina

Instead of a single video, I’ll post a couple samples from two of my favourite bands from high school/early college years that are playing a double-bill at Casino Regina tonight, an offering enticing enough to get me to leave the house on a Monday night *and* stay up past my bedtime! Living Colour probably influenced […]

Ketchup Post

Busy week with lots of fundraising and work social club suppers basically every night which means I’ve neglected my blog…again! Here’s the catch-up… THROWBACK THURSDAY (September 2012) Meant to post this at the start of the month.  Hard to believe Pace is entering Grade 12! FRIDAY FUN LINK Fascinating places in the United States… The […]

A Couple 9/11 Links

I’m reading a book about the differences between generations and one of the points is that each generation has a defining major moment that impacts them. But there are also surveys that indicate that 9/11 is the one major historical event that crosses generations in its impact up to and including people who weren’t even […]

“I’m not courageous, I’m just surrounded by cowards.”

I hope Kamala wipes the floor with Trump tonight… Lol, Adam Kitzinger has no fucks to give. — Nurses Against Dick Pics. ??? (@ClaudetteGGibs1) September 8, 2024  

Music Monday – “Many people coming from miles around/To see you play hockey when the sun go down/Maybe someday your name will be in lights/Saying Johnny B. Goode tonight”

George Canyon with a beautiful rendition of 'Johnny B. Goode' at the vigil for Johnny Gaudreau tonight ??? (via @NHLFlames) — Gino Hard (@GinoHard_) September 5, 2024 “Johnny B. Goode” – George Canyon

Secular Sunday – What Could Possibly Be The Cause of So Much ***GUN*** Violence In The United States?

Lack of morality?  Toxic masculinity?  Violent video games?  Mental health issues?  Dark state mind control programs?  Taking “Christ” out of Christmas?  Incels?  Income inequality?  Pro wrestling?  Chemtrails?  Porn addiction? Racism?  Sexism?  Socialism?  Satanism?  Bagism? What, oh what, could it be that causes so much gun violence in the United States  compared to anywhere else in […]

Saturday Snap – Oasis Reunion Tour Incoming (Did You Know Noel and Liam Have a Third Brother?)

After years of fighting and estrangement, Oasis is finally having a reunion tour! I’m excited even though I’m closer to that fatter, older, unknown Oasis brother! 😉

Friday Fun Link – Trump Respects Our Veterans

Trump respects our veterans — Brent Terhune in Dayton Sept 13 (@BrentTerhune) August 30, 2024