Tag Archives: health

Happiness Hacks

There’s some irony that I’m posting this on my blog from my laptop computer given the last line…

Friday Fun Link – Norwegian Death Diving…

…is apparently a thing! (Of course, any country that invents Norwegian Death Metal is going to come up with something like this!) https://twitter.com/crazyclipsonly/status/1731620862556864795

Are We (Finally) Coming Out of Covid? Probably Not But Also Maybe?

I haven’t written a lot about Covid lately but it’s interesting to reflect on how our attitudes and therefore, our language, changes. For instance, I have started saying “Coming out of Covid” to refer to our current situation and as a reflection of what I see in wider society – very little masking (including myself […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – First Rapid Tests (March 2021)

We were lucky that Shea is a nurse as we got early access to rapid tests before they were widely distributed to the general public. No way to know for sure but I feel like that was part of why we may have been able to avoid Covid as long as we did – anytime […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Water Fountain Flower (January 2012)

One highlight of working at Central Library was being able to go out and walk around Wascana Lake (part of the largest urban park in North America!) regularly during my lunch breaks. Always liked this photo I took on my route one day…

Saturday Snap – Boundaries? What Boundaries?

In my Wisdom Wednesday series, I’ll eventually do a post about the difference I see between what I call “black & white” thinkers and “grey area” thinkers.  (Myers-Briggs has 16 classifications.  True Colors has 4.  Hamology basically only has 2!) One big aspect of this difference is that are those who think there are hard […]

Saturday Snap – Wal-Mart Pharmacy Playing A Cruel Joke…

…by putting all the ointments and sprays for a sore back on the bottom shelf!

Wisdom Wednesday – “Leadership is about going out of your comfort zone to help others.”

I was once in an interview where I was asked about my definition of leadership.  I was in a terrible head space so I froze up then gave an answer that basically insulted everyone in the room! I’ll probably try a “redo” of that question in blog form some day as I have lots of […]

Exercised My #skpoli #ParentalRights Today…

…to encourage my daughter to become a kind, empathetic, supportive human being. (Too bad the parents of many of the current Sask Party MLAs didn’t share similar lessons with their kids before they became regressive, reactive bullies.)  

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Mom’s Lifetime SUN Membership Acceptance Speech (sometime in 2013)

I was so proud of my mom getting her lifetime membership in the Sask Union of Nurses ten years ago.  Great speech and you can see where I got a lot of my personal values about supporting workers and treating others with empathy and respect.