Tag Archives: xmas

Music Monday – “And the boys of the NYPD choir/Were singing Galway Bay.”

“Fairytale of New York” (portion)

Secular Sunday – I Miss The Star of Bethlehem

Music Monday – “Get off your sled and go to bed/Don’t you ever tire?/Throw a bone, I’m finally home/Curled up by the fire”

“Christmas Is Going To the Dogs” – Eels

Saturday Snap – Merry Christmas!

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Decorated University Hospital, London ON (Nov 2006)

Shea heading into work a month before Christmas in 2006 just as I was wrapping up my Masters program…

Saturday Snap – …And To All, A Good Night!

Friday Fun Link – Shit Fireplace 2021

In keeping with how shitty this year has been, the Shit Fireplace folks have truly outdone themselves with the latest edition of this important Christmas tradition. So nice to have this streaming on the TV on Christmas Eve bringing joy and warmth to all… 😉 (And bonus, the co-creators of these videos have both worked […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Christmas Tree (Dec 2014)

An Atheist Takes In A “Blue Christmas” Ceremony

It’s been a tough end to the year. There are some fairly major changes happening at work that will affect myself and numerous other supervisors in the new year.  One of those supervisors, a friend and mentor, died unexpectedly at the start of December – quite young but also getting very close to retirement, having […]

Christmas Song Popularity Based On Number of Plays on Commercial Radio

(via Reddit)