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I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
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Yet Another Librarian's Blog
Friday Fun Link – Degeneration X 25 Year Reunion
Lots of nostalgia here… (also, I’m very old.) https://youtu.be/0FJ8c4-tV0s
Perhaps The Worst Legacy of Trump?
The WWFication of American politics such as this display at last night’s State of the Union address… The Boebert outburst. "You put them in, 13 of them" pic.twitter.com/N3yEsrMDQt — Dave Brown (@dave_brown24) March 2, 2022
Friday Fun Link – If Wrestling Is Art, Kenny Omega Is One of Canada’s Greatest Performing Artists
Don’t agree – and this is a good article about the multiple ways pro wrestling appeals to people.
Friday Fun Link – The Undertaker Eats Spicy Wings
I know I’ve highlighted the “First We Feast” web show before *including* when they had a different wrestler on. But given that Undertaker is one of the best known wrestlers of all-time, is about to retire this weekend thirty years after his first appearance at the same annual Survivor Series event, and he rarely breaks […]
Did Dusty Rhodes’ Son Just Equal His Dad’s Best Promo?
In wrestling, Ric Flair had a character as a rich, arrogant, entitled asshole and one of his main rivals was Dusty Rhodes, a schlubby working man who was the “son of a plumber.” During one of their many feuds, Dusty delivered what is widely regarded as one of, if not the greatest, wrestling promos of […]
Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Future Tag Team Champions? (August 2012)
Pace and a buddy at the free Stampede Wrestling show during the Regina Exhibition a few years back…
One Legged Former Wrestler, Zach Gowen, Kicks Ass on American Ninja Warrior
I remember watching Zach Gowen during his run in the WWE and being as impressed with his mental approach to life as his physical approach. He’s no longer in the WWE but he’s still showing how he can overcome obstacles using a combination of physical and mental toughness. Pretty amazing!
Ricochet vs. Will Ospreay Full Match
This match from New Japan Pro Wrestling is getting a lot of attention, positive and negative. Some are saying the match’s focus on the gymnastics and “flippy shit” takes away from the suspension of disbelief at the heart of all pro wrestling matches. Others (including one of the match participants) are defending it as one […]