The quote that gives this post its title comes from Sue Gardner who is Wikipedia’s Executive Director and who Fast Company magazine recently called “The Librarian to the World“. Most of the time, I have a very positive view of Wikipedia – in fact, I’d go so far as to say it’s one of the […]
I’ve always wanted a search engine that would only return results from the sites I use the most. This morning on Facebook, someone posted a link to a Google sub-site that allows you to do just that – Google Custom Search Engine. If this works, it should only search Wikipedia, YouTube, Reddit and MetaFilter – […]
The Superbowl is always one of the most watched TV events of the year so most people probably saw this live yesterday or have heard about it by now. So you probably also know that Christina Aguilera screwed up the words to the US national anthem before the game. What you might not know is […]
…especially when the answer is so obviously “Over“. 
Posted 01 February 2011
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It was National Family Literacy Day today and nothing starts your day off like doing the hokey pokey to tie in to this year’s theme of “Play for Literacy’. Good stuff – I joked with one co-worker that we could do it everyday, sort of the RPL version of the Wal-Mart Cheer. Another co-worker […]
The nature of the Internet is changing and developing constantly and one of the most significant evolutions is the nature of commerce online. Now, there’s always been commerce online and most definitely since the web entered the popular consciousness in the mid to late 1990’s. I remember buying a book from Amazon somewhere around 1997 […]
Well, after a week of fairly provocative posts about atheism and religion, I came across this video (thanks to BB on Facebook) and thought I’d post this as a bit of a peace offering to anyone who read my posts and was offended or suddenly thinks I’m a dick – if you didn’t already!
If you watched the movie “Creation“, you know that Charles Darwin struggled mightily about publishing his theory of evolution. He knew the negative impact his theory could have on organized religion and especially those closest to him since, as was the nature of the time, many in his circle of friends and acquaintances, including his […]
Wikipedia is having its annual fundraising drive and that got me thinking about a recent conversation I had with a fellow librarian. The discussion started as one of those “is reference dead?” chats (I don’t think it is by the way – though it’s definitely taken a pretty big hit with the rise of the […]