Tag Archives: weather

Saturday Snap – This snow fort is 1970s approved…

…but not so sure it’s 2020s approved! 😉 Getting an inspection from mom.. Snack packs at the ready (hot chocolate to come later!)…

Saturday Snap – Why Does Our Fence Lean Inward?

When we bought our house a couple years ago, we noticed a slight inward lean to the fence. I didn’t think anything of it but after a couple winters, I realise it’s probably because *all the snow* from the green space behind our house (note the grass showing in patches further out!) likes to blow […]

The People’s Calendar: When Does Each Season Start?

Interesting survey about the different markers – natural, manmade, etc. – that people use to connote the change of seasons. For me, I know the “official” dates for season changes but my (very limited) list probably goes like this… Spring – whenever snow is almost fully melted Summer – when school’s out at end of […]

Svalbard: The Northernmost Town on Earth

After our blizzard this week, I thought this video was fitting.  Reminds me that things could also be a bit more bleak! 😉

First Snow of the Year (2021 Edition)

Always nice when the snow holds off until mid-November.  Makes winter feel just a bit shorter…

Saturday Snap – Hanging Out at the Playground

Antarctica, South Pole at Night

Another “First Sign of Spring”?

A bug landed in my beer…feels like I’m camping already! 😉 (And yes, I scooped it out and kept on drinking – no tiny bug is going to make me waste a $5 craft beer!)

Saturday Snap – First Shorts of the Year?

For some reason, I’ve made a point to note the first day of snow every year pretty much since I started this blog. But with beautiful +14 weather on the last day of winter, I wonder if I missed an opportunity to also record the first day I wore shorts outside each spring?

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – 360 Front Flip With A Twist (January 2017)

In hindsight, letting a 10-year old parkour addict jump off the snow-covered garage  into a big pile of snow was probably not the wisest decision of my parenting career (and isn’t that usually the stuff you do when your parents aren’t watching anyhow?)