Tag Archives: unitedstates

The Alt-Right Playbook: You Go High, We Go Low

This video has some good insights into modern politics and especially in light of current battles over seating Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader-Ginsburg’s replacement.  It looks specifically at some of the reasons why liberals struggle against conservatives who are less likely to be bound to rules and precedent in their pursuit of power.  

Music Monday – “It’s called me belligerent, it’s took me for ignorant/But it ain’t never once made me scared just to be/Could you imagine just constantly worryin’/Kickin’ and fightin’, beggin’ to breathe?”

Okay, getting to one of the top o’ mind topics mentioned in my list yesterday – a new surprise album from Tyler Childers was released the other day.  It features eight instrumental fiddle tunes then a single “regular” song with lyrics calling for more kindness and understanding among citizens including many who listen to Childers […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – My Favourite US Trip? (January 2012)

After last week’s post thinking back to the last time I think I traveled to the US, I thought it’d be fun to also highlight what was probably my favourite US trip ever for another “Throwback Thursday” post. I was very fortunate to have parents who loved traveling and growing up, I got to travel […]

Pro Wrestling Territories in the United States: A Brief History

If you’re a pro wrestling fan like I am, you’ll appreciate this walk down memory lane… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI4rsuiK3wc  

Friday Fun Link – Inside The World Trade Center (1999)

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Minot Wal-Mart (April 2012)

With the Canada-US border closed for the foreseeable future, I was trying to figure out the last time I went to the States. For awhile there in the early 2010’s, I’d say we ended up going about once or twice a year, either to Williston which is just over the border or Minot, which is […]

Music Monday – “All those who remember the war/They won’t forget what they’ve seen/Destruction of men in their prime/Whose average age was nineteen”

He’s broken *so* many taboos and boundaries in politics. But Trump’s taking a lot of pushback after reports of multiple negative comments against the military so maybe, just maybe, this will finally break through to some supporters that he’s not a good person and maybe even help guarantee a loss in November (or at least […]

Secular Sunday – Could American Evangelicals Spot The Anti-Christ?

A recovered evangelical points out the obvious – probably not!

“If adultery is so wrong then these people don’t want to be far-right.”

This parody account of the typical opinionated Trump supporter is one of my favourite things on the Internet…  

How Countries Around The World Have Responded to Covid-19