Tag Archives: unitedstates

Friday Fun Link – Save a Library By Burning Books?

Brilliant! (via MetaFilter with a h/t to the colleague who sent it to me at the exact same moment!)

George Carlin’s Greatest Moment

Definitely one of them… http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wV1lZMTCqf

Obama Comes Out

Barack Obama made history today as the first US President to officially come out in support of gay marriage (not “civil unions” aka the semantic wankery that gets used so often in the US to denote “different but equal“) The timing is good coming in the wake of a North Carolina vote that saw the state’s […]

Music Monday – “When all is said and done/We’re not the first to be here/There’s nothing new underneath the sun.”

A co-worker told me about this really cool Nashville-based, jazz-funk band called “Here Come The Mummies” who apparently play in costume to hide the fact that they’re all under contract to different labels as session musicians…

Top Ten Dying/Booming Industries

Unfortunately, a lot of the Top 10 dying industries have a direct connection to libraries whether it’s DVD’s, newspapers or recordable media.  On the other hand, a lot of the Top 10 booming industries don’t – unless libraries want to start building solar panels or hot sauces (!).

State of America’s Libraries 2012 Report

Well worth a read. (h/t to ALA Think Tank via Jessamyn)

Friday Fun Link – Hunger Games Survival Analysis

I’m not much of a math nerd.  And I admit that stats in library school gave me cold sweats.  But this Hunger Games Survival Analysis is pretty cool. (via MetaFilter)

The Playoffs Are Here!!!

A Ready-Made Google Calendar You Can Use Why the First Round of the Playoffs is Better Than the Finals How A Hockey Rink’s Surface Is Made: How Bad Do You Want It? My Predictions St Louis vs. San Jose Vancouver vs. Los Angeles Phoenix vs. Chicago Nashville vs. Detroit Boston vs. Washington (would like to […]

A Weekend of US-based Technology

Back from a couple days in Minot, ND and some random thoughts about my use/mis-use of technology while there… – first thing I did upon hitting our hotel room was load up Pandora.  Or at least I tried to – both the iPhone and iPad apparently still recognized I had a Canadian iTunes account and […]

Saturday Snap – Space Aliens Grill & Bar

A BBQ restaurant with a Space Alien theme AND video arcade? Definitely my favorite place in Minot!