Tag Archives: unitedstates

Secular Sunday – “Indiana public librarians forced to remove half the books in the teen section as demanded by unelected library board including a pro-book banning pastor”

Just as we watched drug poisonings and Narcan training spread across American libraries before becoming more common in Canada, I suspect religiously-motivated book banning requests (and religious board members being even more activist in trying to direct library’s directions, not just individual books) is the next thing American libraries will export to Canada. (via r/atheism)

Secular Sunday – The Mormon Church is a $250 Billion corporation.

(via Reddit)

Music Monday – “Living the Dream” (Sask Musician Gets Golden Ticket on “American Idol”)

“Livin’ The Dream” – Brayden King  

Secular Sunday – No, Not *Those* Dirty Books (Book Banning Lawmaker “Very Sad” His Law Being Used To Ban “Sex Ridden” Bible)

Rules for thee but not for me. (via Reddit)

Secular Sunday – I Hope Satan Returns To Put Atheists Out Of Their Misery Having To Listen To This Level of Stupidity

My brain hurts that this is one of the “leaders” of the United States… Speaking on the end times, Lauren Boebert said she believes Jesus will return because Satan will beg him to because Christians are out in such “a great force” not because they are “hiding in caves” due to “a government lockdown.” pic.twitter.com/74ApxDWeaM […]

RIP Uncle Stan Nagatani (1940-2022) (and a list of strangely positive things to come out of Covid)

Believe it or not, there have been a few good things to come out of Covid. Here’s a few… * greater acceptance of work-from-home in many sectors * I’d say that it’s caused many people to reassess their work-life balance * many people are also saving money by going out less for restaurants, entertainment, shopping. […]

Secular Sunday – Suburban Mega-Churches Are Bizarre…

…but I find myself intrigued: I don’t think I’ve fully internalized how frankly bizarre the world of suburban mega churches are. And I’m saying that as somebody who attended one as a kid pic.twitter.com/TRm1DwDaDp — BoHo Chicagoan (@Eric_Erins) November 27, 2022

Music Monday – In Which Jason Programs The Grey Cup Halftime Show…

Nothing against Florida-Georgia Line but it’s right there in the name – no connection to Canada, let alone Saskatchewan. In fact, two of the three performers in the halftime show were American and the third was from Ontario. Why you wouldn’t feature Saskatchewan artists on a giant stage like this boggles my mind. Using a […]

Music Monday – “We didn’t come here on the Mayflower/We came on a ship in a blood red moon/We come in the age’s most uncertain hour/And sing an American tune”

I recently replied to a question on Twitter asking “Who is the most poetic lyricist in music?” by saying I wasn’t sure but Paul Simon is the only one I studied in high school poetry class so… On that note, this is a powerful new take on one of his classics, where he doesn’t sing […]

Secular Sunday – The Positions Modern Religious Republicans Hold Are, Quite Literally, 100% Incorrect

  Think about it. They look at the world through the lens of a religion that is clearly a fantasy. Virtually all their decisions are made looking through that lens. Consequently, virtually all of their beliefs, opinions and decisions are objectively wrong. They reject science in favor of their “faith”, so vaccines are from the […]