Kronum is a new sport that combines elements of football, rugby, basketball, handball and even Quidditch to create what players are hoping grows to become the first big league sport created in over a century. Personally, I think organizers may have hurt themselves right off-the-bat by creating a sport with a circular field, very unique […]
Red poppy or white poppy, hero or victim, holiday or not, the only thing that’s clear is that Remembrance Day means different things to different people and, as with my defence of Justin Trudeau, I feel like shouting “Nobody has the right to say how others should or shouldn’t interpret/celebrate/commemorate Remembrance Day!” Well, except me. […]
This won’t be the first time I tried to defend the seemingly indefensible on this blog. So let’s take a deep breath, swallow the bit of throw-up that’s rising in my throat and dive right in… 😉 Social media sites (especially Twitter) exploded over the past 24 hours after an e-vite for a $250/person fundraiser […]
Do you know the connection between Guy Fawkes, the movie “V for Vendetta” and the Anonymous movement? Or that today, was the Million Mask March at locations around the world? If you do, you probably also understand why a variety of worldwide movements and groups – from Anonymous to Occupy to WikiLeaks among others – are […]
…but I’d much prefer a half-time show like this one: Here’s a Today show report on how they do it (hint: there’s (even) an app for that!) (Oh, and full credit to my lovely and way-more-witty-than-I-am wife for that Hedley joke in the title of this post!)
The Guardian recently published an edited version of Neil Gaiman‘s lecture for the Reading Agency. The Reading Agency’s annual lecture series was initiated in 2012 as a platform for leading writers and thinkers to share original, challenging ideas about reading and libraries. The lecture is amazingly good. On the purposes of reading (and specifically reading fiction)… Fiction […]
This week is Banned Books Week in the US (as opposed to last week of February in Canada for some reason.) Oh well – I’ll happily celebrate any week that celebrates banned books and pass along great articles profiling authors who’ve been banned. In 2008, when Phillip Pullman learned his novel, The Golden Compass, […]
I’m pretty sure I have most of this on a VHS tape somewhere but nice to have it online for easy access and archival purposes…
Doug Stanhope is a fucking awesome comedian who is cool with people torrenting his stuff… And “his stuff” includes brilliant material like this… And this…