Tag Archives: travel

Friday Funk Link – 10 Ways To Make A Winter Trip to West Edmonton Mall Feel Like A Tropical Vacation

Contrary to the impression you might get from some western Premiers, the Covid pandemic is not over. But with vaccinations and boosters also being increasingly common, we’re all slowly returning to “normal” (whatever that is.) Shea and I weren’t quite ready to book an out-of-country hot holiday as that leads to all sorts of other […]

Music Monday – “And night after night we stay out drinking under the streetlights/It’s forty below oh but I don’t mind cause you’re right there to hold me tight/Cause I’m drinking in Edmonton with you/I’m drinking in Edmonton with you”

“Drinking in Edmonton” – The Worst Guy

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Fantasyland Hotel (February 2014)

With international travel still a bit uncertain (especially if you ended up having to extend your stay due to a positive test at the destination or isolate when you got home), we’ve decided to book a trip to Edmonton where we haven’t been since 2014.  We leave in a week and are getting pretty excited…

Saturday Snap – #WhyIMissedTheProtestForFreedom #FluTrucksKlan

First, my wife and I took our daughter to her art class where she created and learned with about ten other kids… Before her class started, we went into the centre’s art gallery to check out the latest installation.  We enjoyed this show with a handful of other people who were in the gallery including […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Kauai/Maui Trip (January 2012)

A co-worker recently told me she’s going to Kauai and I am incredibly jealous. Kauai might actually be the single most beautiful place I’ve been on this earth and Shea still says Anini Beach is one of her favourite beaches of all-time. Here’s a montage video I made of our trip which had eight days […]

Saturday Snap – Life’s Too Short For Unsalted Butter

In light of yesterday’s post where I happened to share the screenshot a portion of a life advice article that said we should eat salted butter as life is too short for unsalted, I thought I’d post a pic I happened to snap at Safeway recently. Saying “life is too short for unsalted butter” may […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Helicopter Ride in Hawaii (January 2012)

I took mom and dad on a charter flight for their anniversary last week. It was their first time in a small Cessna but not their first time in the air as I also took them on a helicopter ride during a family trip to Hawaii in 2012 (though given the company we used had […]

Friday Fun Link – “The Years Have Flown By” 50th Anniversary Charter Plane Ride

I alluded to this in Thursday’s post when I wrote “the years have flown by” about my mom and dad’s 50th Anniversary.  But I didn’t want to give away the big surprise I had planned for their anniversary gift knowing they read my blog. Honestly, it was a bit tough trying to come up with […]

Antarctica, South Pole at Night

“The Walls Are Closing In On The Unvaccinated”

An Angus Reid poll showed that 75 per cent of Canadians agreed with the statement “I don’t have a lot of sympathy for people who chose not to be vaccinated and then got COVID-19.” In B.C., 53 per cent favoured making vaccines mandatory in public places to make life harder for unvaccinated people, while another […]