Tag Archives: television

CTV Announces Library Themed Sitcom

I’m pretty sure every librarian (including me!) has thought “Why has no one made a TV show set in a library? Boy, people would sure be surprised that we don’t just circulate books but there are wacky staff!  Buffoonish managers!  Silly patrons!  And lots and lots of overdoses. High-larious!” Well, now we’re getting our wish.  […]

Go Avalanche Go!

Good Regular Season Goals: https://twitter.com/6aba9ool/status/1530085055057563648   Not A Good Goal in the Playoffs: Now that a few days have passed since the Flames lost to the Oilers in the first Battle of Alberta since 1991 and I’ve read a lot of commentary about the game and series, I can share some of my own thoughts… […]

Friday Fun Link – Six Straight Minutes of SNL Cast Members Breaking Character


The Legend of How Gilbert Gottfried Turned a 9/11 Joke Into “The Aristocrats”

More than an uniquely annoying voice, Gilbert Gottfried was a comedian’s comedian and a comedy legend. RIP. Around two weeks after the attacks, one of the first big comedy events held in New York City was the Friar’s Club Roast of Hugh Hefner. Throughout the night, as funny as it was, there was also an […]

Music Monday – “When a couple of guys who were up to no good/Started making trouble in my neighborhood/I got in one little fight and my mom got scared/She said, ‘You’re movin’ with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air'”

So, anybody watch the Oscars last night? 😉 “Fresh Prince of Bel Air Theme Song” – DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince

“Heels” Trailer

I find it hilarious that my wife wasn’t going to watch this wrestling-based TV series until Ben Mulroney of all people recommended it on the CTV Morning News! (Of course I also find it funny that Ben Mulroney is recommending this behind-the-scenes wrestling show which has lots of violence – as you’d expect – and […]

Music Monday – “Let’s get friendship right/Get life day to day/In the forget yer skates dream/Full of countervailing woes”

“It’s A Good Life (If You Don’t Weaken)” – The Tragically Hip with Feist

Friday Fun Link – The Jeopardy Archive

A comprehensive archive of every question ever in the history of Jeopardy is nerd-paradise. (Librarians are 14th in lifetime winnings by career-type though I’d like to see this graph on a per capita basis too.)

“Peaky Blinders” Trailer (and some quick thoughts on what makes a series bingeable)

As mentioned yesterday, Peaky Blinders is Shea and my’s current viewing obsession. Here’s a taste… Watching this show now and over the years, a series of buzzed upon shows ranging from “Breaking Bad” to “The Wire” to “Sons of Anarchy” to “Yellowstone” along with various others which fit in that “Must Watch” category, I wondered […]

Music Monday – “Oh help me Jesus/Come through this storm/I had to lose her/To do her harm”

Shea and I are now onto “Peaky Blinders” for our latest must-watch TV series (what’s the opposite of binging where you watch one or two episodes a night, slowly, over time?) and part of the appeal is a kick-ass soundtrack… “Down By The Water” – PJ Harvey