Tag Archives: television

Friday Fun Link – The Heat Death of the Internet

h/t to AB at RPL for this link…

Scott Moe Booed at the Brier

The Brier is basically Scott Moe’s base – older, white, rural – and he got booed?!? I mean, a lot of grandparents have grandkids who are being screwed by the Sask Party’s unwillingness to negotiate in good faith with STF.  Maybe it’s finally reaching people that Moe has to go? Scott Moe gets booed at […]

Saturday Snap – Brier Trophy

My library was fortunate enough to have the Brier Trophy present for an event last December as it made various stops around Regina and Saskatchewan in advance of the Montana Brier Tournament which has run from March 1-10. I got my picture taken with a volunteer who kept an eye on the trophy during our […]

Top 20 Worst SNL Musical Performances

There’s a theory that one way to know you’re officially “old” is when you no longer recognize the majority of musical guests on Saturday Night Live. I probably hit that point 10 years ago or so but I still know most of these…unfortuantely. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bmcGfnc5qkk

Friday Fun Link – The Road To Wrestlemania

The longest reigning champion in modern WWE history.  Two dynastic wrestling families.  A former wrestler who became the world’s biggest movie star (and also now sits on the WWE Board in real life.). The company being sold to the UFC’s parent company after being under McMahon family control its entire existence. The major cloud hanging […]

Saturday Snap – Felt A Bit Blue(y) At The Library Today

My job’s pretty fun somedays… (No, not me in the costume.  These were hired performers for a kid’s birthday party in one of our program rooms that agreed to do a few photos with staff and some lucky bystanders at the library this afternoon!)

Secular Sunday – Sunday Payday!

This Actually Happened on Live TV

Friday Fun Link – Visualizing Why Americans Increasingly Use Sub-Titles

Not understanding accents. Poor sound mixing. Helps overcome noisy distractions while watching.  (Ironically as I type this, Sasha is literally digging in the fridge asking if we have any yoghurt as Shea and I (try to) watch “Daisy Jones and the Six” – and yes, we have sub-titles on!) Bad hearing Not necessarily bad hearing […]

MJF Does Some Simple Math

MFJ might be one of my favourite wrestlers working today and this callback promo is exactly why – the guy lives wrestling and wrestling history and takes advantage of his current feud with Samoa Joe to perfectly evoke one of the best, funniest promos in wrestling history: Callback: According to @The_MJF the numbers don't lie […]