Tag Archives: saskatchewan

25 Random Thoughts For @SaskBookAwards 25th Anniversary #sba25 #saskbookawards

Tonight was the 25th anniversary of the Saskatchewan Book Awards so, as someone who first attended in 1997, has been at probably 15-20 of those ceremonies and has also served SBA in a variety of capacities from board member to gala volunteer to web site designer to A/V switcher, I thought it’d be fun to […]

First Sign of Spring (Literally)

For some it’s robins. Most depart south by the end of August and begin to return north in February and March (exact dates vary with latitude and climate). For others, it’s crocuses. Crocuses typically appear shortly after the snow melts, sometime around April 1st-21st.  Blooms only last for two weeks, so the window to see […]

Throwback Thursday – #tbt – And Sometimes We Wear Gloves (June 2012)

I sometimes joke “And sometimes people ever borrow books!” when I think about all the things we have to do as librarians that have nothing to do with people taking out books and then returning the books so that others may enjoy them next. I’m not even going to discuss why someone would have to […]

Why Did #HumboldtStrong Resonate So Strongly?

The outpouring of support after the horrible Humboldt Broncos bus accident that killed 16 people and left 13 more injured has been unprecedented. People from not only across Saskatchewan and Canada but indeed, from around the world, have sent money and condolences. Tonight, the GoFundMe page that originally aimed to raise $10,000 and is about […]

Saturday Snap – California Subs Returns @thecapitol_jazz! (sort of) #yqr

Shea recently saw on FB that two local restaurants – the Capitol Jazz Club and the Lancaster Pub – were re-creating some favourites from the iconic 1990’s Regina sub shop, California Subs – for a limited time. So when we had plans to go out for the evening, it was no question where our first […]

Friday Fun Link – Making Friends and Having Fun @rebbrewregina Cask Fest #yqr

I was heading downtown for a different social event after work yesterday when I decided to pop into Rebellion Brewing to have “a couple” samples from the many unique brews at their 4th Annual Cask Fest before carrying on my way. Rebellion is a great local craft brewery but I don’t think their tap room allows […]

Music Monday – “I’ve got that whiskey in the eye, my love/You know I’m not afraid to fight/Cause word’s been gettin’ round this town/and I can’t wait another night”

Soon after the Humboldt Broncos accident happened on Friday, I was sure I’d be posting Tom Cochrane’s “Big League” as my Music Monday post this week. But I’ve linked to that song a couple times already – I decided to post it right away on the night of the accident and again yesterday in a […]

“I’m not unusual in Canada for how much hockey has meant to me my whole life.”

I put this on Facebook before the Humboldt Broncos Vigil tonight (and after some time has passed, I may share some other thoughts on that) but wanted to capture it here too since Facebook sucks. 😉  I’m not unusual in Canada for how much hockey has meant to me my whole life. I was never […]

Saturday Snap – How Can The Library Help In A Time of Tragedy? #humboldtbroncos #humboldtstrong

In tragedies, most people know their roles… First responders race to the scene to face whatever awfulness awaits them. Doctors, nurses and other medical personnel use their skills to do whatever they can to heal the injured. Journalists try to capture, not only the story but the range of emotions that they and their audience is […]

“When he was a kid/He’d be up at five/Take shots ’til eight/Make the thing drive”

He was gonna play in the big league.