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2008/06/17Links From All Over
Head Tale 2.0
alberta (174) allinclusive (158) atheism (252) beatles (35) book (440) camping (173) Conference (40) cool (451) copyright (42) CotD (50) Covid (244) cute (486) economics (899) education (665) facebook (138) food (150) freedomtoreadweek (102) google (97) health (510) history (706) hockey (255) holiday (596) language (638) metafilter (36) movies (109) music (916) ontario (81) orgdevl (60) parents (321) philosophy (153) rant (28) recipe (19) reddit (45) saskatchewan (710) science (406) sports (47) television (244) travel (456) twitter (64) unitedstates (404) weather (142) wikipedia (45) writing (20) xmas (132) youtube (54)Fred Eaglesmith & Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs
I’m no longer actively maintaining or updating them but you can find my archive of Fred Eaglesmith Guitar Tabs and Hawksley Workman Guitar Tabs on this site.
Head Tale
Yet Another Librarian's Blog
Saturday Snap – Jorts!
Nothing makes the camping season official like me wearing jorts for the first time! (This year, we even were able to get into our seasonal site one week earlier than usual due to the lack of snow over the winter and the park crew being ahead of schedule with annual maintenance – yay!)
Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Zumanity (May 2012)
A person I grew up with in Indian Head was a couple years younger than me (she was my sister’s age) but her family and ours were friends so I hung out with her too. She grew up to be a professional clown who performed in the New York, New York Cirque Show in Vegas, […]
Scott Moe Booed at the Brier
The Brier is basically Scott Moe’s base – older, white, rural – and he got booed?!? I mean, a lot of grandparents have grandkids who are being screwed by the Sask Party’s unwillingness to negotiate in good faith with STF. Maybe it’s finally reaching people that Moe has to go? Scott Moe gets booed at […]
Saturday Snap – Brier Trophy
My library was fortunate enough to have the Brier Trophy present for an event last December as it made various stops around Regina and Saskatchewan in advance of the Montana Brier Tournament which has run from March 1-10. I got my picture taken with a volunteer who kept an eye on the trophy during our […]
Music Monday – “It’s coming on Christmas/They’re cutting down trees They’re putting up reindeer/Singing songs of joy and peace/I wish I had a river I could skate away on”
“River” (acapella) – Joni Mitchell
Throwback Thursday – #tbt – Water Fountain Flower (January 2012)
One highlight of working at Central Library was being able to go out and walk around Wascana Lake (part of the largest urban park in North America!) regularly during my lunch breaks. Always liked this photo I took on my route one day…
Saturday Snap – Eagles Club
I’ve lived in Regina most of my life but had never been to the Eagles Club, a members-only space downtown that’s reminiscent of a small town bar mixed with a Royal Canadian Legion with a focus on charitable giving. So when a neighbour who’s a member invited Shea and I to join him and a […]
Saturday Snap – Small Town Funeral
I wish there was a better way to get the best tasting egg salad sandwiches on the planet.
Secular Sunday – Gone Way Too Soon
I’ve written a lot about the many many reasons I don’t believe in God. But one of the biggest is that no matter how many “God works in mysterious ways” or “He does things to test us” excuses I hear, I can’t reconcile a merciful god that would take some of the best, most amazing, […]